Kat Thoughts Archives - 2010

Choose Your Perspective Wisely (December 31, 2010)

Is the glass half full?
Or half empty?
Or the glass too big?
Or is it just that there is room for growth?
Or room for something to be added?

Choose your perspective on everything.
Choose wisely.
For in those choices you create your reality and build your world, your life.


Switchphrases for Transformation (December 29, 2010)

Switchwords can be very powerful tool for helping one transform situations, conditions, responses, views, etc.

Switchwords often give new perspectives, open additional possibilities, help transform thought patterns and inspire action.

To allow Switchwords to work most powerfully for you, when using them, allow yourself to go in new and different directions as inspired...follow the inner guide you have requested help from.

Also, consider that you only lack things in your personality because you judge yourself to lack them. Willingness to BE what you wish to BE is what makes it so.

Below are Switchphrases compiled for a number of personality traits some may wish to enhance or let go.

Excessive Daydreaming (feeling a need to get away from reality):

Increase ability to handle challenges without disturbance:

Get clarity of thought, mental clarity, clarity of purpose and objective:

Strong will power, steadfastness, and soul strength:

Increase ability to express thoughts, ideas and feelings clearly and effectively:

Attain ability to maintain an even temper in any situation:

Become more extroverted (outgoing):

Enhance ability to make friends and create rapport with others easily:

Increase ability to strategize and plan:

Increase ability to withstand stress and pressure:

Decrease frustration and increase tolerance:

Increase ability to deal with devastating experiences:

Increase mental and psychic abilities:

Get people (employees, coworkers, children) to do their work:

Improve executive function (manage cognitive functions):

Successfully supervise, manage, boss others:

Improve personal competence:

Increase working efficiency:

Remember, Switchwords give you inspiration. Follow that inspiration. For in action you complete the creation you declare with your words.

(be at peace and in wellness, and increase your ability to know the way)


Switchphrases for the Holiday Season (December 11, 2010)

Switchphrase: GIGGLE-BUZZ-BE.
Use this Switchphrase to enjoy whatever you are doing, accomplish tasks quickly and efficiently and be in peace and wellness.

Use this Switchphrase to help easily and quickly find perfect gifts for your Christmas list.

Switchphrase: CHARM-LIGHT.
This Switchphrase is great to use while cooking to kick it up a notch.

Use this Switchphrase to enjoy the season and prolong the pleasurable times.

Use this Switchphrase for social gatherings, for peaceful, caring interactions.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (November 25, 2010)

Remember CHARM-LIGHT chanted while cooking helps make for a delicious meal.

Why do we lie? (11/20/10)

The answer is simple: Face.

Everyone wants to look their best all the time.
Whatever the truth is does not tend to matter nearly as much as what people think of us.

Thus we have cosmetics and cosmetic surgery.
Thus we "color the gray."
Thus we wear braces.
Thus we wear bras.
Thus we wear girdles or some other type of fat flattener.

As humans we all tend to fear
not fitting in
not being the same
not being different
not being accepted
not being perfect
not being good enough
being left alone
not being loved...

We tend to lie easily because we want to be respected, feel knowledgeable, feel accepted, and if we are not all those things we fear what people will think of us.

And one of the most amazing things: We have our own little storyteller that makes it all up as we go along, and tells the stories for us, and sometimes our own little storyteller is so good it fools us.

When we do not perceive that what we believe to be the truth is something that will make us look good, or at least not make us look bad, we look for spin and our storyteller kicks into high gear and the yarn begins to spin.

Why would it be easier to tell the truth when we fear what others might think, and our little story is so much better?

A few Switchwords that may be useful here:

BE - to be unaffected by ridicule (stop worrying about what others think).

RESTORE - to restore fairness and honesty.

CLIMB - to improve your viewpoint.

REJOICE - to stop being jealous (of your perception of others)

TRUST - to align your energies.

LISTEN - to be in touch with yourself.

TAKE - to be a good leader.

FIFTY THREE - to be responsible.



P.S. Don't take things so seriously.  The more difficult and serious the task the more you may wish to SIMPLE-BE.


Remember Yoda's words...Do or do not. There is no try. (10/17/10)

What do you want?
Declare it.
Then BE it.

BE sure the declaration is what you want.
BE sure the declaration contains no negativity.
BE sure the declaration is succinct.
BE sure the declaration does not include why you cannot have it.
BE sure the declaration is to the point.

Make your declaration clear and as though it already is. (I am becoming more and more financially sound every day.)

Add SOMEHOW if you have difficulty knowing that you are financially sound, or knowing how to make it that way...SOMEHOW, I am becoming more and more financially sound every day. This allows you to let go of the details and open to allowing it to be so.

Also a Switchphrase that has been proving itself invaluable in cases of being stuck financially, physically or just in life in general is:


Try using it. The Broad Switchword SOMEHOW is about letting go of the details and just allowing things to move along, taking the first step without seeing additional steps, and allowing the journey to progress. You cannot start the journey without taking a step...sometimes into the unknown. TRUST that the way will be CLEAR.


OVER is the Switchword for clearing frustration.
BE is to be unaffected by ridicule.
NOW is to act on good impulse


Release blame, all blame. Life just is.

FORGIVE those who may have "caused" this issue for you.
FORGIVE yourself for not knowing the way out.
FORGIVE God for not supporting you.
FORGIVE the Universe for abandoning you.
FORGIVE the company for downsizing.

You cannot change what has been. You can only CHOOSE to accept it, let it GO, and ALLOW yourself to create possibilities as the space becomes OPEN.

CHOOSE what has been, to release the bonds of anger and frustration about not having control over what is.


Homeward Bound (10/11/10)

Miracles do happen, and no words can describe how it feels to be a part of one.

LOVE is Always the Answer (09/16/10)

Whatever the question, when LOVE is inserted the answer is clear.
The opposite of LOVE is fear.
Let go of your fear and LOVE will come.
Or return to LOVE and fear will go.
Once LOVE is there, fear must leave.


It's My Job to Change Lives (09/14/10)

Every day
Every thought I have about another
Every word I say to another
Every interaction I have with another
I change a life (and by the ripple effect many others).

What if it was your job to change lives too?

What if every day every thought you have about another...
What if every day every word you say to another...
What if every day every interaction you have with another...
Impacts their life (and by the ripple effect many others).

What if it is your job to make your thoughts, your words, your actions count?

BE the change you want to see in the world ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Ho'oponopono in a Switchphrase (09/01/10)

Today, I had someone ask me about a Switchphrase that had the essence of Ho'oponopono in it.

This is what came up:


This Switchphrase means:

DOWN-FIFTY THREE is to stop bragging and take responsibility (it is humbling, which saying "I'm sorry" is about)

FORGIVE-REVERSE is to eliminate remorse/desire for revenge and bury a grudge

HOLD-THANKS is to build character and stop regretting

LOVE-BE is to generate, radiate an d experience love and acceptance, and to be at peace, and unaffected by ridicule

Wow, this feels very powerful!
I would love to hear feedback from anyone who works with it.

This Switchphrase is the essence of Ho'oponopono. The Switchphrase has also been added to the Ho'oponopono Essence technique in the Healing Energy Vibrations vial

Click here to buy the Healing Energy Vibrations vial

Click here to read more about Switchwords

New Kat Talks Audio (08/27/10)

I recently created a new Talkcast call series called Kat Talks. I just recorded a new audio with a new Emotional Freedom vial owner, answering questions and expounding on Emotional Freedom vial use.

Click here to go to the Kat Talks Talkcast series.

Click here to go to the Emotional Freedom Vial Talk audio.


Everything (08/25/10)

Everything is energy and vibrations, in the end I am you and you are me.

All is a matter of presentation, interpretation and perception. We all have the ability to decide for ourselves, and nobody is wrong.

A Few New Switchphrases to Play With (08/7/10)

Rhoda told me this morning she had some interesting quick results with the following Switchphrase for letting go of fear, restoring ability and finding ways to make money quickly and easily:

In talking with another friend today this Switchphrase came up for helping one to keep money and put it away: 

Today I also had a friend tell me that Switchwords did not work for them. My friend told me she had given Switchwords to others and watched them work for them, but they never seem to work for her. As we discussed the issue, it became very clear to me that the problem was not that the Switchwords were not working, but that her mindset and what she was saying and thinking did not support the Switchwords she was using. It was clear that things were being blocked: She wanted a full-time job in the industry she was in working for the best of the best. She said it was not happening. However, in the discussion we found that indeed she had been offered a part-time job working for the best of the best in her industry, and she had taken it. However, as it was part-time it could not sustain her, so she was maintaining her previous full-time position. Fear of not having what she needed was holding her back from taking action that would bring her full manifestation of her desires. I created the following Switchphrase for her:

This Switchphrase means: Release resistance, harmonize with the advertisement of which you speak now.

When I defined this Switchphrase the power was clear. This Switchphrase is about letting go of the things that do not support what you are saying you want and allowing them to manifest.

This is a Switchwords way of saying "Stand by your words and your words will stand by you."

My Crazy Socks Campaign (08/01/10)

I have some bright orange socks with all kinds of colored fish on them.  My grandkids love to see me wear them.  When they see a flash of orange down around my ankles they rush to count the fish.

One day Dean looked at me, smiled and said, "Grandma, you have frogs on your socks!"

Cammarie loves my cat socks.

Camille likes my purple and white striped socks.

I would love to have Crazy Socks from all around the world.  What joy it would bring my grandkids to check Grandma's socks every time she comes to see them, just to see what kind of Crazy Grandma has now!

Will you help me with my Crazy Socks Campaign?
I would love to see you find some of the craziest socks you can and send them to me so I can have Crazy Socks Days with my grandkids.

Send your Crazy Socks Donations to:

Kat Miller
P.O. Box 1393
Vail, AZ  85641

Thank you for your support!

A Technique for Clearing High Anxiety (07/31/10)
expounding on thoughts from Kevin Dill (posted on Switchwordsgroup click here to go to the group)

Listen to discussion with Kevin on Kat's Talkcast Episode 126 (click to listen)

When you have a high level of anxiety and you don't know where it is coming from. You feel like you're going to jump out of your skin if you don't do something about it. Here is a technique you can do every morning and every night.

Whatever vial (click to buy):
Place the Whatever vial on your chest and lay your left hand flat across it, place your right hand over your left hand, close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths.

Emotional Freedom vial (click to buy): Place the Emotional Freedom (EF) vial on your chest and lay your left hand flat across it, place your right hand over your left hand, close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths.

What does this do?
First the Whatever vial is about finding problems, whatever they are, becoming the problems to center the body on them and let it heal the problems.

The Emotional Freedom vial uses energetic EFT to release energy blocks along energy meridians related to whatever you are focused on, to allow the body to return itself to health.

This technique utilizes the Whatever vial to help the Emotional Freedom vial to find the focuses and then clear it.  Whatever searches for a problem, highlights it, and then the EF vial uses energetic EFT to clear it.

The Whatever vial keeps rooting out problems and the EF vial keeps releasing them from your energy.

What is LOVE? (07/25/10)

What is LOVE?
What did Daddy teach you about love?
What did Mommy teach you about love?
And siblings? Other relatives? Friends? Society? Television and Movies?

Do you have a different meaning for LOVE taught to you by each of these different focuses?
Are they contradictory?

What if you just let go of all the meanings you have put on love?
What if you just let life BE
Let people BE.
Let go of expectations.
Let go of “if you loved me you would…”
Let go of “I love you because…”
L et go of it all.
Just BE.

Is LOVE a risk?
If you LOVE do you risk betrayal?
If you LOVE do you risk being hurt?
If you LOVE do you risk not having LOVE in return?
What do you risk if you LOVE?

What if LOVE has no rules, except those you put upon it?
What if everyone has different rules for what LOVE is?
What if the reason you cannot find LOVE is because you don’t really know what LOVE is?
What if LOVE is just BEing?

LOVE is not about expectations.
LOVE is not about judging.
LOVE is not about reciprocation.
LOVE is not about controlling anything.

When you take away all the things that LOVE is not,
When you take away all the things you were taught about LOVE from so many different sources,
When you let it all go and
There is nothing else there,
Then there is LOVE.

What if LOVE is nothing?
What if LOVE is everything?

Let it go.
Let it all go.
Let go of all the fear.
Let go of all the anger.
Let go of all the judgments.
Let go of all the expectations.
Let go of everything you have associated with LOVE.
Let it go.
Let it all go.

What is left?
LOVE is left.
LOVE is holding onto nothing.
LOVE is letting go of everything.
LOVE is just BEing.
BEing is LOVE.

Try just BEing with nothing and feel LOVE come in.


Switchwords to Just Enjoy (07/24/10)

GIGGLE-GIGGLE - to enjoy the task at hand

At today's Talkcast (Episode 125) Kevin Dill suggested whenever there is something to be done, whenever someone is not in a good mood, whenever something is preventing enjoyment, just say GIGGLE-GIGGLE and watch the energy transform. Thank you Kevin!

Happy Water (07/23/10)

It is absolutely AMAZING what a difference we can make in our water.

Several years ago I had someone take some tap water (which smelled of chlorine), taste it, and then simply write "LOVE" on the glass it was in. The water went from smelling like and having a taste of chlorine to no smell and tasting fresh and clear.  I call this Switchwords-infused water Happy Water.

Try it yourself. Try other Switchwords too. Taste your words!

What a difference a word makes!

Thank you Dr. Emoto for your work with the water crystals, giving us insight into some of the amazing qualities of water.

Thank you James T. Mangan for introducing us to Switchwords in your book The Secret of Perfect Living.

Thank you Shunyam Nirav for returning our focus to Switchwords with your book Switchwords, Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life, and adding your touch to them.

Thank you Universe for all the beautiful loving, caring people who enrich my experience in this world.



Post-Recovery Suggestion (07/19/10)

FIND-BE - to Build a fortune of good health and peace

Following any kind of illness, pain, discomfort, etc., once things are balanced and healed, try using FIND-BE for several days after to help maintain the changes.

React versus Respond (July 7, 2010)

A reaction happens in the heat of the moment.
A response happens after the emotions have dissipated.

Take any action while in a negative emotional state and you will move deeper into that negative state. This will also tend to take you further away from whatever it is you want. When you are angry, frustrated, irritated, depressed, stressed, etc., stop taking action. You are reacting. You are creating more of what you do not want. Allow the emotion to dissipate, to defuse.

Respond when the negative state of emotion has dissipated. Wait however long it takes to release the emotional charge before responding. You will find that you are much more apt to take an action that brings you closer to what you desire when you respond rather than react.

Switchphrases that may help to dissipate negativity and allow you to begin responding sooner:




Choose Your Words (July 1, 2010)

Choose your words carefully
For in them you will find
You create your reality.

Summer Solstice 2010 (June 21, 2010)

Someone asked me for some comments regarding the Summer Solstice today. I thought perhaps I should share them here.

Always the Sun has been there offering the light, love, support and life as it does now. It is just a matter of when and how we CHOOSE to see and accept the offering.

From my perspective, all astrological elements, signs and events are simply shifts in energy opening abilities for us to examine ourselves and our lives through different lenses. We can take from each that which we CHOOSE to.

With the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, we are given more daylight, and thus, potentially more time to reflect upon what has been, what is, and what can be.

As each of us contributes to the vibration, energy and light of this planet, and the rest of the Universe, as each soul awakens to new possibilities the rest of us are affected. CONSIDER that as a soul awakens to the new possibilities created by the soul itself and/or others around it, the new possibilities expand to encompass and allow more. We all experience continuous shifts in the energies of our world and the universe, and as more of us align with higher Light Energies we begin to notice the shifts more profoundly. As more begin to notice the shifts more profoundly, the shifts increase proportionally.

CONSIDER that perhaps the Sun has always offered what many are now beginning to see, but that until enough began to recognize it, it could not be brought forth.

The Sun is life.
The Sun is our WOMB.
Without the Sun we (humans) are no more.
The Sun has always offered her children light, warmth, love and growth.
The Sun shares profoundly with us.
However, it is, and always has been, up to us to open to receiving it.

Switchphrase (June 14, 2010)

From Rhoda Reporter (many thanks Rhoda):

This Switchphrase means: Share your inner beauty, dispel all inferiority feelings and master your experience now.

Switchphrase for Beauty (June 11, 2010)
From Bina Bakshi (many thanks Bina):


Worked for a patient within a few days. She looked prettier, slimmer, and her skin glowed.

Switchphrase (June 7, 2010)

Feeling like a failure?
Want to become a success?

Try chanting:

Avoiding something you need to do? (June 5, 2010)

Perhaps you will find this Switchphrase helpful:


Switchwords (June 4, 2010)

To create balance between the right and left brain, activating both equally together try chanting:


Your Words (June 1, 2010)

Let your words be your integrity.
Let your words be authentic.
Stand by your words and
Your words will stand by you.

My Mother's Day Gifts (May 31, 2010)

This year I gave gifts of poetic love to my family for Mother's Day. I wrote them on Mother's Day & thought I would now share them with you here.

To My Mother on Mother’s Day
May 9, 2010
Kat Miller

You gave me life.
You gave me love.
You gave me passion for life and love.

You taught me how to handle life’s crises.
You taught me how to build my world.
You taught me more than you can imagine.

You gave me strength.
You gave me endurance.
You gave me every life tool I have ever needed.

You helped me learn to love life.
You helped me learn to love me.
You helped me learn to love my family.

Thank you, Mom, for always being there.
Thank you, Mom, for always loving me.
Thank you, Mom, for making me, well me.

To My Children on Mother’s Day
May 9, 2010
Kat Miller

When I became a mother, you were there.
As I watched my children grow, you were there.
Through all the growth and learning, you were there.

You taught me how to be a mother.
You taught me how a mother feels.
You taught me how a mother loves.

As you grew and learned and built, I learned much more.
As you felt hurts and pain, I felt them more.
As you felt great pride in what you did, I felt it even more.

You grew, you learned, you became adults, I was there.
You learned to work, to play, to mix the two, I was there.
You built your world of wonder, love and passion, I was there.

You open your homes and you let me in.
You open your hearts and you let me in.

You gave me grandchildren to love and spoil.
You roll your eyes, hold your tongue, and allow all the love and spoil.
In the end there is a sigh, a smile, more love and spoil.

A mother could not ask for a better lot.
My children, their children, there is no better lot.
I could go on and on, but I better not.

This Mother’s Day, there’s just one more thing to say.
Thank you my loves, for enriching my life, my world, my day.

To My Husband on Mother’s Day
May 9, 2010
Kat Miller

To you I give my passion, my love, my world.
To you I give everything that is mine.
To you I give.

You have always been there supporting me, loving me.
You have given my life meaning.
You have enhanced, enriched and impassioned my world.

You are love.
You are joy.
You are compassion, sincerity and support.

I thank you for walking into my world.
I thank you for staying in my world.
I thank you for your love, your support…for everything.

I love you.

My Perfect Campaign (May 24, 2010)
My Mommy is my Perfect Mommy. My Mommy gave me life, gave me my Perfect name, and has always been there for me in the most Perfect way. These are just a few reasons why my Mommy is my Perfect Mommy. Is your Mommy your Perfect Mommy? Why? If your Mommy is your Perfect Mommy, perhaps now is a good time to tell her. (Even if she is no longer with us, you can still tell her.)

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.