Cleansing Prayer/Meditation for the Spring Equinox

Today during the Spring Equinox I am clearing away all that no longer serves me for the Highest Good, I release the ego/mind that has held me prisoner, in bondage, in illusion and a fantasy world that is impossible of being True and Real and in limiting beliefs that have kept me away from the true source of God’s unlimited LOVE. I begin again in clarity, in purpose, and allow myself to step into the Brilliance and Light of my True Being. I allow my Inner Child to be healed and transformed back into the innocence, purity and playfulness of my true essence. I release seeing out of eyes that peer to the outside for acceptance and TRUTH and instead replace it with the LOVE and TRUTH that comes from within myself, for all the answers of REAL TRUTH AND LOVE are contained within my Inner Being.

I ask Spirit today to utilize me as a vehicle for change and growth into the True Reality of Oneness and accept all the Unique gifts I was born into to assist in the "shift" of manifesting Heaven on Earth and for all to return to being One in UNITY. I allow my Heart to remain open at all moments and embrace the new understandings. I am choosing to release all the pain and suffering of illusion and to step into the Magnificence, Beauty, and Greatness I am destined to be. From this day forth I release the darkness that society and the status quo have placed upon me and that I have chosen to participate in for the purposes of learning and choose My Heart, my Truth, and my Divine Birthright of Abundance and accept my Royal heritage.

Today I release the past and the future and am PRESENT in the MOMENT of NOW, where I am Eternal all ways. I am worthy and I deserve all the Grandness that Paradise on Earth is granting me and accept responsibility to embrace the love within and join the river of One consciousness and begin Co-Creating with Others, who too have also embraced and accepted their Divinity for it is a Team effort. I am closing the door on the old and embracing the new door that is opening into the Light and Truth and will also embrace the new information of Light and Love I am presented with. I am surrendering everything I have ever been told by the outside world and accepted as truth that does not serve the highest good and evolution and expansion of my soul and look inside my Heart for the Truth. For there really is only One Truth and that is Love and Love is everywhere present, when I am looking from within my Heart, the true brain of my being. Today is the day I am choosing to stand in my Light and Shine so I may be an example for others who may not yet have the Courage or Strength to stand Up for the Truth, Love and Light.

I release all fear, shame, guilt, abandonment and neglect that throughout this lifetime or others, I may have experienced and now understand it was all an illusion of an ego/mind who did not understand Love, I now release those back into Creation to be transformed back into Light to be Utilized for Higher Intentions for the HIGHEST Good of ALL. I understand the moment has arrived where I have to stop being who I am not and express Who I Truly Am, a Light Being of Pure Love, Pure Joy, Pure Allowance, Pure Embracement, Pure Unconditional Love, Pure Compassion, and Pure Passion which transforms all pain and suffering. Today as I release, I am in Deep Gratitude for all who assist me whether visible or invisible and take full responsibility for my own healing and transformation. I reach out to others who are already in the Real and True for support and assistance. Today and in the next moments I chose to no longer feed into illusion, fantasy, and all the games the ego/mind plays to keep me from my True freedom of embracing Love, Light, and Truth. I support the Brilliance, Love, Light, and Truth in all who have also made and are making this choice as we connect our Hearts together as One, uniquely expressed to begin building and Co-Creating a Spiritual life of Unity, Harmony, and spreading the Universal Understanding of True Love, Oneness, Peace, and Abundance for all. I understand with Grander acceptance, and with my new found wisdom through this experience that I can also assist humanity in Upliftment into True Happiness and Heaven on Earth in all its Grandness. Within Greater understandings flows Grander responsibility to my Brothers and Sisters on Planet Earth on whatever level they currently are in. I release everything right now that is holding me in the past or future and am empowered by the Present moment, in the Present moment of NOW, I understand through the PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW we are always connected as One Heart Beating for this is full consciousness and full awareness.

With my new found consciousness I will utilize for the Highest good of all, through providing honest information to transform the old of Power over [which the mind/ego created] and transform into POWER WITH and Power For, and will Do so with Courage, Grace, and INTEGRITY for my Inner Being and all that connect with me. Lastly, I will only serve ONE MASTER my inner HEART being which is only Love, Truth, Brilliance, Grandness, Joy, Light and in serving my true Inner Being, I step into the River of ONE with all and build powerful unconditional love bridges in all my relationships. I am also serving in Unifying the Grid, the connection that will Light up the Earth into the Brilliance it is DESTINED to BE, Just Like the Sun.

I now take a deep breathe in through my nose, deep into my being and then breathe out of my mouth, repeating 3 times or until I feel my vibration level increase. I will know because I will feel tingly and Light. Now again I ask and give permission to be totally free and share my experiences with others for Higher understandings to build from. Today I cleanse and release the old for the allowance of the new to come in. Today I LET GO and surrender to pure Love and Light, in all ways!

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