Flower Energy Support A-F

Flower Energies vial

Flower Energies vial

To Flower is to bloom. To Flower is to flourish. To Flower is to thrive. To Flower is to open up to the world. The Flower Energies in this vial include energies beyond the plant world that “Flower.”

Do not open this FE (Flower Energies) vial. Once opened the energy escapes and the vial becomes inert. As long as the vial is never opened, even if the water evaporates, the energy remains within the vial and available to work for you.

Indications: Flower Energies help enhance and strengthen Positive Qualities, and help correct Patterns of Imbalance. You may recognize Positive Qualities and Patterns of Imbalance within yourself.

NA = North American Flowers
BF = Bach Flowers
DAW = Flowers developed by Dawnalee Shields
KAT = Flowers developed by Kat Miller
MP = Flowers developed by Manjiri Paranjpe

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Positive Qualities:
Emotional honesty, acknowledging and working with emotional pain, obtaining true inner peace.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those not wishing to burden others with their troubles and who cover up their suffering behind a cheerful facade. They are distressed by argument or quarrel, and may seek escape from pain and worry through the use of drugs and alcohol. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
The ability to see a project through to the end despite challenges; understanding challenges are obstacles to overcome or a sign to drop the project.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Confusion about desire/necessity of pursuing a course of action; persisting in a project that is not relevant and is wasting time. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Aloe Vera
Positive Qualities:
Creative activity balanced and centered in vital life-energy.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Overuse or misuse of fiery, creative forces; "burned-out" feeling. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Renewal and regeneration. Increases production. Nourishes others to bring out their best.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Tightly wound with plans to snare unsuspecting others in your schemes. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Alpine Lily
Positive Qualities:
For women, acceptance of one's femininity grounded in a deepened experience of the female body.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Overly abstract sense of femininity; disembodied, alienation from or rejection of female organs as "lower". (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Angel's Trumpet
Positive Qualities:
Spiritual surrender at death or at times of deep transformation; opening the heart to the spiritual world.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fear of death, resistance to letting go of life or to crossing the spiritual threshold; denial of the reality of the spiritual world. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Feeling protection and guidance from spiritual beings, especially at threshold experiences such as birth and death.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling cut off, bereft of spiritual guidance and protection. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Healthy curiosity and seeking new information and understanding. Encouraging exploration.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Sharp tongue. Critical of others. Self-criticism and non-accepting of growth experiences. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Apple Blossom
Positive Qualities:
Relieve congestion physically, mentally, emotionally; supports easy communication, comprehending new ideas.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Blocked understanding, inability to understand information being presented; bringing too many outside influences into the equation, confusing the decision-making process. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Conscious embodiment, especially during shock or trauma; recovery from deep-seated shock or trauma.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Disconnection of Higher Self from body during shock or trauma; disassociation, unconsciousness. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
For those hoping to create a new life direction; the decision is made, take the steps.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Hesitation to follow-through with what you would really like to create. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Ashoka Tree
Positive Qualities:
Bring emotional, hormonal and reproductive balance
Bring a sense of calm and peace
Environmental purification, creating a healthier environment
Mitigate imbalances in the body

Connection to higher realms, the Divine and spirituality
Connect with your own divine feminine aspects, fostering self-love, compassion, and nurturing qualities
Heal emotional and physical trauma

Facilitate personal development and self-awareness
Learn to embrace your complete self
Inspire creative expression and artistic endeavors

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling separated
Excessive negative emotional energy
Feeling life is at a stalemate
Unable to accept reproductive parts of self (MP/KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Adaptable. Ability to understand and learn from positive aspects of life lessons.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Overpowering influence. Seeks own will rather than highest good. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Trust and confidence to meet the unknown, drawing inner strength from the spiritual world.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who experience vague fears and anxieties of unknown origin, they are often apprehensive and full of foreboding. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Thoughtful; benevolent; mindful.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Distracted; agitated; carelessness in making decisions, ignoring red flags. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Strengthens fertility. Supports creative efforts especially in leadership, business, and politics.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Domineering behavior. Disconnect from center of personal power. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Baby Blue Eyes
Positive Qualities:
Childlike innocence and trust; feeling at home in the world, at ease with oneself, supported and loved; connected with the spiritual world.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Defensiveness, insecurity, mistrust of others; estrangement from the spiritual world; lack of support from the father in childhood. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Integration of sexuality and spirituality into a sacred wholeness.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Polarization of sexuality and spirituality, often leading to clandestine behavior or marital stress. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Tolerance, acceptance of others' differences and imperfections, seeing the good within each person and situation.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who, while desiring perfection, easily find fault with people and things. Critical and at times intolerant, they may overreact to small annoyances or idiosyncrasies of others. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Patient. Applies knowledge and effort to create direction for a project, then willing to allow all elements to come together in appropriate timing.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Scattered effort. Hurrying that distracts or destroys results. Irritability when others are working at different rates. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Productive accomplishment in a timely manner; well-received results that uplift and inspire more innovation.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Non-supportive of others, fear losing personal recognition; unwillingness to be a team member (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Black Cohosh
Positive Qualities:
Courage to confront rather than retreat from abusive or threatening situations.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Being caught in relationships or lifestyle which are abusive, addictive, violent; dark, brooding emotions. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Black-Eyed Susan
Positive Qualities:
Awake consciousness capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self; penetrating insight.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Avoidance or repression of traumatic or painful aspects of the personality. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:
CRYSTAL-Mirrored Reflection-BE.

Positive Qualities:
Exuberant manifestation in the world; clearly directed forces of will, decisive action.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Bleeding Heart
Positive Qualities:
Loving others unconditionally, with an open heart; emotional freedom.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Forming relationships based on fear or possessiveness; emotional co-dependence. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Stability, safety, security.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Inability to stay firmly grounded in the here and now of life; living life overly in the thinking/dreaming realm. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Blue Bonnet
Positive Qualities:
The ability to bring all skills, talents, gifts and motivation to bear fruit now; to make life beautiful now.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Losing faith in achieving desired results. Feeling the reward is not worth the effort to create it. Unwilling to take the steps to support the journey you'd like to be on. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Blue Iris
Positive Qualities:
Ability to discern whether ideas are coming from Source or Ego. Strengthens ability to create in congruence with Source and authentic self.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Confusion when making decisions. Inability to see the bigger picture. Reluctance to consider better choices. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Blue Tansy
Positive Qualities:
Supports appropriate boundaries in relationships; supports release and discharge of internal parasites.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Hanging onto old beliefs and habits contrary to current intentions. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Open-hearted, generosity of spirit and resources especially in times of crisis.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Parsimony, miserliness; finding little to appreciate in life, whining and complaining when challenged. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Ebullient heart forces, buoyant courage and optimism.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Heavy-heartedness, lack of confidence in facing difficult circumstances. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Supports the creative process of writing, un-sticks writer’s block; supports creative attitude and perspective of those with physical performance handicaps.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Writes or speaks falsehoods in order to manipulate; feels overcoming personal challenges is worthless effort, morose, despairing when physical challenges arise. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Bromelia Ignaciana (Earth Star)
Positive Qualities:
Adventurous, inquisitive; fundamentally pleased with how life is going regardless of challenges.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Wanting to be rescued; failing to take accountability; “nothing helps”. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Radiant inner light, unattached to outer recognition or fame.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feelings of low self-worth, inability to acknowledge or experience one's inner light and uniqueness. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Healing warmth and receptivity, especially in the use of the spoken word and in dialogue with others.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Using cutting or sharp words; argumentative, lack of receptivity in communication with others. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

California Pitcher Plant
Positive Qualities:
Earthy vitality, especially integration of the more instinctual and bodily aspects of oneself.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling listless, anemic; disassociated from or even fearful of the instinctual aspects of the Self. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

California Poppy
Positive Qualities:
Finding spirituality within one's heart; balancing light and love; developing an inner center of knowing.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Seeking outside oneself for false forms of light or higher consciousness, especially through escapism or addiction. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

California Wild Rose
Positive Qualities:
Love for the Earth and for human life, enthusiasm for doing and serving.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Apathy or resignation, inability to catalyze will forces through the heart. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Calla Lily
Positive Qualities:
Clarity about sexual identity, sexual self-acceptance; balance of masculine and feminine qualities.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Confusion, ambivalence about sexual identity or gender. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Canyon Dudleya
Positive Qualities:
Healthy spiritual opening, balanced psychic and physical energies; grounded presence in everyday life; positive charisma.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Distorted psychic experiences; preoccupied with mediumism; overinflated involvement in psychic or charismatic experiences. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Carnation (Collaboration and Reciprocal Goodwill)
Positive Qualities:
Steadfast, loyal; unconditional love.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Possessive; controlling in a subtle "for their own good" way. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Carrot Seed
Positive Qualities:
Ability to be the little fish in a big pond that makes significant contributions in subtle, unheralded ways. Seeing the importance of place in the grand scheme of things.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Nagging behavior. Interrupting. Me, me, me at the expense of everything else. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Fiery and energetic, inwardly mobile, capable of change and transformation.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Stagnation, inability to move forward toward change. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Serving others from inner strength, with a healthy recognition of one's own needs; acting from strength of inner purpose, saying "No" when appropriate.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who are overanxious to please, often weak willed and easily exploited or dominated by others. As a result, they may neglect their own particular interests. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Trusting one's inner knowing, intuition; self-confidence, certainty.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who lack confidence in their own judgment and decisions. They constantly seek the advice of others and may often be misguided. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Serene, sun-like disposition, emotional balance.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Easily upset, moody and irritable, inability to release emotional tension. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Balanced psychic awareness, deep penetration and understanding of the transpersonal aspects of oneself.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Psychic and physical toxicity, disturbed dreams; chaotic inner life, drug addiction. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Cherry Plum
Positive Qualities:
Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme stress.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For fear of losing mental and physical control, of doing something desperate. May have impulses to do things thought or known to be wrong. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Chestnut Bud
Positive Qualities:
Learning the lessons of life experience, understanding the laws of karma; wisdom.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who fail to learn from experience, repeating the same patterns or mistakes again and again. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Selfless love given freely, respecting the freedom and individuality of others.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who are over full of care for others and need to direct and control those close to them. They are generally possessive, always finding something to correct or put right. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Moving with ease through life physically and socially, flexible, easily adapting to change; harmony between thoughts and feelings.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Brittle, easily offended; fear of change, mulish stubbornness; excess heavy metals. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Shifting the ego identification from one's personality to a higher spiritual identity; feeling oneself as transpersonal and transcendent.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fear of aging and mortality, identification with youth and lower personality; mid-life crisis. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Well-received. Ability to relate to many groups of people and smooth interactions.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Obnoxiously hogging the spotlight to the point of derailing the purpose of a gathering. The dark side of charisma. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Full devotion to the sweetness of commitment. Bringing all aspects of love to a relationship.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Infidelity. Not trustworthy. Wanton. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Full of radiant light and energy; content satisfaction.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Uncontrollable, out-of-control processes for any aspect of the being; weakened personal power. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Awake, focused presence; manifesting inspiration in practical life; embodiment.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who tend to live in the future, lack concentration, are daydreamers, drowsy or spacey and have a halfhearted interest in their present circumstances. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Faith and confidence in Life; engaged in productive aspects of daily living; enthusiasm for creating prosperity.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Stubborn resistance to doing the work aspect of the abundance equation; resisting positive breakthroughs. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Cocoa Flower
Positive Qualities:
Open to the sweetness of life; balanced use of gifts; empathic.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Morose, disregard of higher Self; pursuing power, influence and wealth to excess; lacking concern for others; over-committing/over-giving self as a means of control. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Comet _____ (insert the name of your favorite one)
Positive Qualities:
Abundant attraction of peace, love, joy and prosperity; supports us in fulfilling our purpose of forgiving and healing ourselves and by extension others with whom we interact; well seen is well-loved.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fearful of expressing one’s true nature, unwilling to be seen for whom we really are; distancing ourselves emotionally in a false attempt to protect ourselves. Creating stress as we “wait for the other shoe to drop” in relationships when what we keep hidden is revealed. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Learn about  Comet _____ Flower Energy on Kat Talks Talkcast series:
Click here to listen to Episode 220:
ISON Comet, New Flower Energies and More

Click here for an article I found discussing Famous Comets.

Positive Qualities:
Well-received. Ability to relate to many groups of people and smooth interactions.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Obnoxiously hogging the spotlight to the point of derailing the purpose of a gathering. The dark side of charisma. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Alignment with the Earth, especially through the body and feet; grounded presence.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Inability to stay centered in the body; disorientation and stress, particularly in urban environments. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:  

Corn Lily
Positive Qualities:
Acceptance of whole self, honest assessment of strengths and weaknesses.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Intentional or unintentional pretense; not willing to see or reveal true self; sabotages change. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:  

Positive Qualities:
Integration of ideas and speech; ability to express thoughts with coherence and clarity.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Unfocused, disorganized communication; overexcited speech, overwhelmed by too many ideas. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:  

Crab Apple
Positive Qualities:
Cleansing, bringing a sense of inner purity.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who may feel something is not quite clean about themselves, or have a fear of being contaminated. For feelings of shame or poor self image, for example, thinking oneself not attractive for one reason or another. When necessary, may be taken to assist in detoxification, for example during a cold or while fasting. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Curly Dock
Positive Qualities:
Warmth and tenderness from the heart; natural harmony with environment; revitalized cleansing energy.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Hardened core; darkness in the heart; fear of authority; feeling like life is going nowhere. (KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Balanced nourishment, giving importance to care for body and spirit. Facilitating life’s highest purpose.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Strangling or denial of life’s purpose by continually creating obstacles some of which can cause great harm physically or spiritually. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Radiant optimism; strong moral character tempered by compassion.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Harsh judgment; tendency to give up when desired results don't come easily or quickly. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Damask Rose
Positive Qualities:
Willingness to improve perspectives; investigation of many traditions and cultures, accepting worthwhile and enhancing aspects; considering new ideas to identify the benefits and clearly understand the challenges.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Locked into single-minded perspective without regard for useful benefits of other ideas; hanging onto old patterns of thought, speaking, behavior stubbornly “because this is how it’s always been;” quick to chastise those trying something new to see if it is useful or worthwhile. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Dynamic, effortless energy; lively activity balanced with inner ease.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Overly tense, especially in the musculature of the body, overstriving and hard-driving. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Gentle purity, clarity of purpose; sincerity of motive.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Mixed or conflicting motives; subconscious feelings which propel outer actions. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Consciously living divine purpose.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Imbalance, dis-harmony between physical, mental and spiritual activity. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Experiencing and absorbing the fullness of life, especially its sensory aspects.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Overwhelm due to overstimulation, hypersensitivity to environment or to outer activity, sensory congestion. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Good judgment in establishing social boundaries, ability to weigh options and make the best choice for all.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Attraction to criminal activity, pleasure seeking at the expense of appropriate social boundaries. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Grace-filled movement, physical and etheric harmony.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Awkward and painful awareness of the body; emotional trauma stored deep within the body. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Earth (one of the five elements)
Positive Qualities:
Nurturing personal growth and growth of others; solid support, generous; fruitful.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Barren, infertile; flinty personality, curmudgeonly. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Earth Star (Bromelia Ignaciana)
Positive Qualities:
Adventurous, inquisitive; fundamentally pleased with how life is going regardless of challenges.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Wanting to be rescued; failing to take accountability; “nothing helps”. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Easter Lily
Positive Qualities:
Inner purity of soul, especially the ability to integrate sexuality and spirituality.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling that sexuality is impure, unclean; inner conflicts about sexuality. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Core integrity, contacting and maintaining an integrated sense of Self, especially when severely challenged.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling shattered by severe trauma or abuse which has destroyed one's sense of Self; threatened by physical or emotional disintegration. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Steady support; confidence in offering advice especially from perspective of expertise; genuine delight in mentoring.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Selfish/guarded about sharing knowledge and skill; fear of judgment and criticism of skills and abilities. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Protection, stability and forgiveness, wisdom and compassion. A teacher. Protection from disease and malevolent spirits.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Unpleasant presence. Repelling. (KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete one's task.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who at times may experience momentary feelings of inadequacy, being overwhelmed by their responsibilities. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Entoloma Strictipes
Positive Qualities:
Ability to process criticism from others for beneficial improvement.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Thin-skinned. Isolates due to over-sensitivity about what others think. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Open and giving. Bringing a unique and valuable perspective.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling out of place. Overly worried about others’ perceptions of self. Hiding true abilities. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Evening Primrose
Positive Qualities:
Awareness and healing of painful early emotions absorbed from the mother; ability to open emotionally and form deep, committed relationships.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling rejected, unwanted; avoidance of commitment in relationships, fear of parenthood; sexual and emotional repression. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Fairy Lantern
Positive Qualities:
Healthy maturation; acceptance of adult responsibilities.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Immaturity, helplessness, neediness, childish dependency; unable to take responsibility. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Fawn Lily
Positive Qualities:
Accepting and becoming involved with the world; sharing one's spiritual gifts with others.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Withdrawal, isolation, self-protection; overly delicate, lacking the inner strength to face the world. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Quiet, gentle strength. Offers stability in time of crisis. Perseverance.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Abrasive judgment of others. Condescending. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Smoothes the way in communication, overcoming obstacles, completing projects; clears mental and emotional blocks to maintaining healthy function.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Choosing to hold back and not fully participate in reconciling personal and interpersonal miscommunication and challenges. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Star-like vision, a cosmic overview which holds the events of ordinary life in perspective.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Disproportionate and obsessive worry; unable to gain a wider perspective on daily events. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Fire (one of the five elements)
Positive Qualities:
Joyful; pleasing enjoyment of life; creates calm.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Mean, tyrannical; spiteful, hateful. Destroys acceptance; usurps love; disregards trust. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Flaxseed (Even Temperament)
Positive Qualities:
Honesty in communication. Thoughtfully considers all aspects of a situation.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Flighty, unwilling to settle down to the task at hand. Giving only partial effort or attention to situation to the point of sabotage. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Flor de la Luna
Positive Qualities:
Ability to give or receive love in the direst circumstances; offer or accept hope and a haven of safety.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Misuse/withholding of love to manipulate; rejecting genuine help when needed. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:
CLIMB-Kentucky Coffee Tree-CHOOSE-LOVE.

Positive Qualities:
Awareness of karmic connections in one's personal relationships and with those in the spiritual world; deep mindfulness of subtle realms; soul-based relationships.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Loneliness, isolation; lack of awareness of spiritual connection with others. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Four-Leaf Clover
Positive Qualities:
Sure sense of purpose, humble expectation of success, grateful acceptance of abundance.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Free-ride attitude of mooching off the benevolence of others, sense of entitlement. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Strong sense of inner authority; security with self; reinforced core strength.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Cowardice; loss of security; overactive sense of danger; walled in feeling. (KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Frangipani (Plumeria)
Positive Qualities:
Grace, wealth and perfection, intense love and lasting bonds, loyalty, able to withstand tough challenges, delicate and beautiful yet strong and capable, remembrance and honoring spirits of loved ones.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Clinging to unwanted energies, unrealistic demands for order and perfection (KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Genuine emotional vitality, ability to express deep feelings.

Patterns of Imbalance:
False states of emotionality which cover more deeply-seated pain and trauma; psychosomatic symptoms. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

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Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

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(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.