Kat's Email:
Kat Miller
8110 S. Houghton Rd. Ste. 158 #151
Tucson, AZ 85747
Kat's Email:
Kat Miller
8110 S. Houghton Rd. Ste. 158 #151
Tucson, AZ 85747
Click here to buy the Emotional Freedom vial
This article contains additional information specific to heavy metals and the Poisons and Toxins file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Poisons and Toxins
This file uses positive affirmations to get the body to release poisons and toxins, as well as poisonous and toxic emotions and thoughts. This includes helping to clear heavy metals from your body as well. Be sure to drink plenty of clean (filtered) water with no additives (not even a lemon slice) to help your body flush poisons and tooxins.
If you wish to use this file to clear specific heavy metals from your body, you can name the metals with the file. You may also want to read the information below and use the nutritional support listed with each metal to help clear the metals from the body. Heavy metal poisoning may be part of the problem in diagnoses of Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).
" Poisons and Toxins" "aluminum"
Binding agent for aluminum: vitamin C (high doses - 6-12 grams)
Nutritional Support: Help draw aluminum out of your body by eating foods rich in vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; magnesium - pumpkin and squash seeds, raw Brazil nuts, raw almonds, legumes, raw nuts, spinach, green leafy vegetables, halibut.
Aluminum Exposure: Antiperspirants, table salts, individually wrap cheese slices, toothpaste, soda in aluminium can (soda pulls aluminium into the soda)
" Poisons and Toxins" "arsenic"
Binding agent for arsenic: selenium.
Nutritional Support: Help draw arsenic out of your body by eating foods rich in selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; and vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts.
Arsenic Exposure: Table salt, beer, handling Pine needles of Christmas tree
" Poisons and Toxins" "cadmium"
Binding agent for cadmium: zinc
Nutritional Support: Help draw cadmium out of your body by eating foods rich in zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; manganese - tea, pineapple, kale and strawberries; calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi.
Cadmium Exposure: underneath Teflon (cadmium goes to kidney)
" Poisons and Toxins" "copper"
Binding agents for copper: zinc, selenium and chromium.
Nutritional Support: Help draw copper out of your body by eating foods rich in zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; iron - organ meats (liver - beef, chicken), beef, pork, lamb, turkey - dark meat, dates, prunes, baked potato with skin, watermelon; bioflavonoids - grape seeds, red grapes, inner skin of citrus fruits, buckwheat greens (not the grain), hawthorn, roses and rose hips; and pectin - apples, cranberries and cherries.
Copper Exposure: Water pipes (if water tastes metallic, you probably have too much copper in your body), sucking on pennies.
Binding agents for lead: vitamin C and calcium citrate or calcium lactate (do not use calcium dolomite - that may contain lead).
Nutritional Support: Help draw lead out of your body by eating foods rich in calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts; B complex vitamins - meats, fish, eggs, poultry, beans, nuts, legumes; chromium - egg yolk, molasses, Brewer's yeast, cheese, fruit such as grapes and bananas, spinach, potatoes, meats, liver, chicken, shellfish; iodine - algae, cranberries.
Lead Exposure: Dust from lead-based paint in older homes. Those who work in construction, demolition, painting, radiator repair shops, lead factories, with batteries, or enjoy a hobby that involves lead are often exposed to lead. Piston engine aircraft also still use leaded fuel (Avgas) and emit an estimated 500 tons of lead a year in the USA.
" Poisons and Toxins" "mercury"
Binding agent for mercury: selenium
Nutritional Support: Help draw mercury out of your body by eating foods rich in selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic, and dairy products; vitamin C and pectin - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; and vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts.
Flower Energy Blend to assist Mercury detox: Blazin' B
Mercury Exposure: Silver dental fillings, vaccines containing thimerosal, fish contaminated with methylmercury, coal-fired industrial plants pump about 50 tons of mercury into the air each year.
" Poisons and Toxins" "nickel"
Binding agent for nickel: Vitamin C
Nutritional Support: Help draw nickel out of your body by eating foods rich in vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; pectin - apples, cranberries and cherries; vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts.
Nickel Exposures: Dishes, batteries, spark plug, jewelry.
Too much nickel in your body can mimic a mild case of the flu.
Binding agents for tin: iron, calcium, copper, chloride, Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, bismuth and zinc
Nutritional Support: Help draw tin out of your body by eating foods rich in iron - organ meats (liver - beef, chicken), beef, pork, lamb, turkey - dark meat, dates, prunes, baked potato with skin, watermelon; calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; chloride - seaweed, rye, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, and olives; vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - dairy milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, beef, port, organ meats (beef liver), chicken breast, salmon, almonds, spinach; vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts; bismuth - roots, tubers and sea vegetables - maca root and kelp; and zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds.
Tin Exposure: canned/tinned foods and juices, coloring agents, dental amalgams, dyes, food additives, fungicides, some food containers, some toothpastes
" Poisons and Toxins" "uranium"
" Poisons and Toxins" "depleted uranium"
Binding agent for uranium/depleted uranium: Sodium alginate (in seaweed)
Nutritional Support: Help draw uranium out of your body by eating foods rich in magnesium - pumpkin and squash seeds, raw Brazil nuts, raw almonds, legumes, raw nuts, spinach, green leafy vegetables, halibut; iodine - kelp (sea vegetable), yogurt, cow's milk, eggs, strawberries, mozzarella cheese; selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; and zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds.
Herbs that can help remove uranium/depleted uranium from the body include Siberian ginseng, Reishi, Panax Ginseng, Aloe Vera, Dandelion root, and Red Clover.
Uranium/depleted uranium Exposures: Depleted uranium in your body most often is inhaled (the world community shares our air supply). Depleted uranium is used for armor piercing artillery, radiation shields, as counterweight for airplanes.
Binding agent for zinc: Calcium
Nutritional Support: Help draw zinc out of your body by eating foods rich in calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters.
Too much zinc in your body can give you the sensation of bugs crawling on you.
Go to Gemstone/Crystal Support |A-F | G-P | Q-Z |
Go to Quick Gemstones/Crystals List
Following is a list of select Gemstones and Crystals, imbalances addressed by them, positive qualities enhanced by them and Switchphrases to help address the imbalances and enhance the positive qualities of the Gemstones and Crystals.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Balancing yin/yang energies
Enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Align energies,be bold and courageous, increase personal strengths, reduce tension, heal and be in peace and wellness.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Improves self worth.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase ability to feel self-worth, self-trust, self-love; find the way.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Lift heaviness.
Amber is great at lifting the heaviness of burdens—allowing happiness to come through.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Adjust to deal with discomforts, lighten your load and be in high spirits.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Enhances meditation.
Spiritual Upliftment.
Calms and focuses overactive mind.
Deepens understanding of underlying issues.
Soothes and eases emotional exhaustion.
Eases addictions and addictive traits within personality.
Wide spectrum of healing energies.
Neutralizes pain.
This is also the present carrier of the purple color ray.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be a good orator, keep the secrets of your soul, release anger and resentment, help others, release tension, dispel anxiety, end aggression and dispel emotional and physical pain.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Used for conscious connection to Angelic Realms.
Brings inner peace, tranquility, calm and focus to highest realms of heavenly light.
Combats fear of speaking the truth.
Enhances kindness and gives social consciousness and emotional depth. Instills wisdom and counteracts cruelty and brutality.
Unblocks meridians and swiftly clears any energy blockages.
Teaches acceptance of self.
Grounds you in the present moment.
Allows you to release all that no longer serves your higher good.
Enhances telepathy skills allows interaction at higher emotional levels.
Balances thyroid.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Look to the future, be inspired toward health and peace, take responsibility for your life, progress, be courteous, dispel arrogance, be caring and release anger and resentment.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Wear this stone when there has been a misunderstanding.
It is also helpful for fighting viruses.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Dispel anger, be a good orator, eliminate remorse, end pettiness, be at peace and in good health, and unaffected by ridicule.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Protection from devil, dream about aquamarine meet new friends.
Gives freedom from impressions and influence of others.
Filters out discordant and conflicting energies.
Enhance communication with angels also enhance psychic skills.
Calms and Focuses the mind.
Soothes emotions.
Sharpens intellect.
Clarifies perception.
Helps identify underlying behavior patterns that need to be released to move
forward in life.
Releases energy blocks.
Alleviates grief and sorrow.
Remind one of the ocean of love and mercy.
Helps one understand difficult situations from a love-filled viewpoint.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Avoid carelessness, dispel evil, purify, stop being critical and maintain protection.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Brings about shifts in consciousness as well as interdimensional travel.
Activates ascension points.
Causes quantum leap in mental processes (Note: Should only be used after completion of cleansing of mental body, deprogramming self of mental clutter, energetic implants, past life & ancestral miasms.)
Dissolves negative emotional when you feel the time is right for your ascension into cosmic awareness and enlightenment.
Brings light and healing energy to ever cell in the body.
Used for physical ailment that requires structured repatterning of the body.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Stop negativity, clear resentment and anger, stop aggression and stop arguing, release remorse and desire for revenge, increase enlightenment, reclaim balance and be in high spirits.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps heal the emotional body
Allows one to openly express their feelings
Helps support the third eye, enhancing psychic abilities
Brings refreshment, joy and rejuvenation to every cell in the body
Enhances personal evolution and consciousness
Helps relax the physical body
Supports the release of anger, fear, frustration and other lower emotions, replacing these with serenity, confidence and joy
Helps the spiritual body connect with the joyful flow of life
Supports changes in our evolving DNA
Helps individuals to feel and harmonize with planetary consciousness
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Stabilize, defuse anger, stress, anxiety, fear, and all negative emotions, strengthen connection to Source, naturally adjust to change, feel refreshed, improve clairvoyance, access Universal Knowledge, clarify things, look to the future, find connections needed to make a difference, keep a confident and positive perspective on the future.
Gemstone/Crystal: Black Obsidian
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Grounding stone.
Gaining insight into a problem.
Increase comprehension.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
With extraordinary ability, access Universal Knowledge to find insight into problems, comprehend the situations, protect yourself from harm and expand beyond perceived limitations.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Feel more grounded.
Good for manifesting goals and intentions.
Helps one to change bad habits.
A great grounding stone.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be in good health and in peace, have it all together, improve perspective, stop regretting and release guilt, be in touch with self and nature and grow.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
See self as Soul.
Great for helping one see the possibilities of how one can be all they can be.
Strengthens bones.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Find direction, clarify the situation, fix it, expand beyond perceived limitations, gain power, intensify efforts and enjoy yourself as you move safely and swiftly ahead.
Gemstone/Crystal: Black Tourmaline
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Purification rituals.
Deflects and repels negative energy.
Increases physical vitality.
Relieves stress.
Clears confusion.
Brings clarity.
Sense of purpose.
Black Tourmaline can give physical aid in treating: Dyslexia. Disorientation. Arthritis. Stress. Strengthens immune system. Stimulates and helps balance adrenal glands. Helps protect against radiation.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Dispel evil, bury grudges, stop being petty, tolerate, allow for peaceful resolution and eliminate remorse.
Gemstone/Crystal: Blue Aventurine
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps clear congestion.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Look to the future, dispel anger and resentment, end loneliness and be extraordinary.
Gemstone/Crystal: Blue Sapphire
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps satisfy dreams and desires.
Mental clarity.
Clear mental garbage.
Carrier of the blue ray.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Create beauty, increase comprehension, purify, release jealousy, embrace love, relax, be in peace and in good health, be in high spirits and generate money.
Gemstone/Crystal: Blue Tourmaline
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Psychic awareness
Opens Third-Eye Chakra
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Improve clairvoyance, recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations, feel the world with love, and fill the world with love, connect to your Inner Being and increase psychic awareness.
Gemstone/Crystal: Butterscotch Beryl
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Create abundance
Wisdom to know what's best for difficult situations
Creator of Joy
Protection during spiritual work
Protection during travel
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Reconnect to your core being, get grounded, build your fortune, incorruptible, enduring rewards, center in joy, dispel negative and contrary energy, feel cherished and be safe.
Gemstone/Crystal: Cape Amethyst
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Inner alignment.
Balances the inner bodies (emotional, spiritual, etc.).
Provides more energy.
Good for arthritis.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Create balance, be unaffected by ridicule, be in high spirits, dispel anger, harmonize with love and acceptance, strengthen yourself and find direction.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Balance creativity and mental processes.
Wheezing from allergies.
Carnelian is the carrier of the orange ray.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Promote progression of generosity, finish lots of meticulous work, be wise, clear inertia, protect self and property and turn setbacks into uplifts.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
for balance, grounding and manifestation
helps bring Divine Light into your body from the source of all that is
aids in Shamanic journeying
aids in spiritual grounding
helps release energetic debris that is holding back your life's journey
helpful for those who have not dealt with deep and long-held childhood issues of rejection
has an excellent influence on the intellect
useful for problem solving, especially in the field of mathematics
protection physically from danger
helps keep one grounded during meditation
helps you to manifest your desires.
enables one to let go of ideas and ideals that are no longer serve you
helps heal old issues
helps you forgive anyone that may have caused you grief
helps imbue you with deep compassion for others
brings optimism
aids in removing energetic blockages
helps bring desires, dreams and hopes for the future into your reality.
helps release cellular memories to encourage deep healing at the soul level
may aid healing of issues relating to hormonal disturbances, including obesity
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Expand capacity to release guilt and blame, quiet the ego, give and receive complete acceptance, accept and reside within all that is, act on good impulse, be in peace, maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Brings inner peace, tranquillity, calm and focus to highest realms of heavenly light.
Brings spiritual expansion and soul harmony.
Links strongly to celestial guardians.
Blessed with sunny, harmonious, joyful disposition.
Helps you to see clearly connection to angelic realms and everyday constant angelic communication.
Nullifies ego-led desires, creates new mental pathways especially where creativity is blocked.
Those who wear it are charming, amusing and wonderful to be with.
Enhances communication skills and brings visions of humanity in harmony and world peace.
Emotionally soothes and calms.
Helps people who suffer inner conflict from absorbing other people’s emotional stress and discord.
Eases all nervous conditions.
Dissolves pains.
Eliminates toxins.
Eases fiery conditions.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase enlightenment, reduce tension, feel protected, harmonize well with others, stop being critical, be in high spirits and lighten your mood.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Spinal alignment.
Citrine encourages the yellow ray to support the body.
Helps process energy work.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Help increase enlightenment, end pettiness, intensify intents and enjoy the task at hand.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Emotional Foundation.
Coral protects and strengthens one's emotional foundation.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase self-love and self-worth, dispel evil and negative energy, dispel inferiority complex, generate, radiate, and experience love and acceptance.
Gemstone/Crystal: Danburite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Joyfully attunes to angelic realms.
Opens heart and crown chakras.
Promotes lucid dreaming.
Brings light, clarity, purity to aura which means it is a "cure-all".
Guidance, spiritual awakening, soul purification, revelation, inspiration, insightful dreams, helps when starting new projects.
Pave way for releasing past.
Clears toxins
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be inspired, be in high spirits, enhance psychic awareness, purify and improve clairvoyance, increase focus, build character and become master of your world.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Increase personal clarity.
Alignment with higher purpose.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be at peace, look to the future, have courage, be in good health, master of your life and be strong.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Domestic bliss.
Opens Solar Plexus Chakra.
Physical and emotional healing.
One of the strongest physical healing gemstones.
Emerald is the carrier of the green ray.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Become a master at harmonizing well with others, releasing tension, giving respect, breathing easier and being caring.
Gemstone/Crystal:Enhydro Quartz
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Assists in transformations
Inspires compassion
Opens Throat Chakra
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Release old pains and become empowered, create possibilities, transition to receiving generosity, showing compassion and understanding, and being peacefully accepting.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps normalize and balance all areas of life
Absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress
Purification, cleansing and stabilization of the aura
Removes negativity
Helps ground excessive mental, emotional and nervous energy
Increases concentration, self-confidence and helps in decision-making
Encourages positivity
Aids in channeling
Excellent for connecting with the Akashic records
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Clarify things, expand capacity to reduce nervousness, find direction, harmonize well with make confident decisions and being unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
Gemstone/Crystal: Fresh Water Pearl
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Enable one to accept love.
See the good parts of oneself so you can love yourself and others more.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Return to neutrality, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance and become single-minded.
Gemstone/Crystal: Frosted Quartz
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Wonderfully soothing.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be in peace and good health, be soothing and caring.
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Focuses and grounds power of angelic prayer.
A catalyst for change, powerfully unlock third eye chakra used to explore other realities and dimensions.
Balances psychic forces.
Creates environment that is creative, allowing for manifestation through higher mind/mental states.
Increases Intuition.
Allows insight to formation of emotional turbulence.
Creates vortex of purified energy that raises users vibrational rate, thus power to improve all physical ailments.
Energizing, purifying & uplifting use when you want to make quantum leaps in healing any aspect of psyche.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Turn setbacks into uplifts, be in touch with your higher self, expand capacity to access Universal Knowledge, reconnect with Source, and unite with wellness.
These pages contain additional information specific to the Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial. Learn more about the Emotional Freedom vial at: https://www.aboutef.blueiris.org
This file works with the Law of Similars and Miasm. The Law of Similars states that like things produce like things, or that an effect resembles its cause. Miasm is derangement of the vital force of the body. This file takes the vibration of the issue needing resolution, puts it into your energy field, awakening awareness of the problem in your body and allowing your body to heal itself.
Call this file, then state the problem(s) to be attended. If another Emotional Freedom file(s) is appropriate for the problem(s), Passive Modifications may access it on its own. (For example, you may not know that your rash might be caused by an emotional issue such as irritation, but your body knows, and Passive Modifications will run any files, such as Frustration, Pessimism, Irritation and Impatience, as needed.)
Other files can also be specifically put into this file.
A one topic example, say:
"Passive Modifications" "this headache" (a specific symptom, not a file name) (note the use “this” instead of “my” to help distance you from the symptom or disease)
A multiple topic example, say:
"Passive Modifications" "Bladder, Kidney & Urinary Issues"
"Passive Modifications" "this family relationship" (a specific situation, not a file name)
"Passive Modifications" "Allergies" "almonds" (a file name with a specific target)
"Passive Modifications" "money" (a specific thing, not a file name)
"Passive Modifications" "Poisons and Toxins"
"Passive Modifications" "Fear & Phobias"
For insomnia, you could say:
"Passive Modifications" "insomnia" (a specific situation, not a file name)
Or you could call the energy vibration of specific things that may be useful for insomnia:
"Passive Modifications" "chamomile" (an herb which can often be helpful for sleep)
"Passive Modifications" "hops" (an herb)
"Passive Modifications" "B6" (a vitamin that often can be helpful for sleep)
"Passive Modifications" "calcium" (a mineral)
The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing" with 12 (twelve) different topics. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.
The Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file of the EF (Emotional Freedom) vial takes Homeopathic Remedies to a whole new level. With the PM (Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing) file there is no need to know the specific Homeopathic Remedy or Remedies required. Instead just state the problem. Passive Modifications then finds an appropriate Remedy or technique and puts it into the body's energy field. The Emotional Freedom vial also has fail safes in it to help protect you from unneeded and unnecessary parts, making it a safer way to work with Remedies and healing techniques.
The PM file also allows specific Remedies to be called with it, whether the vibration of that remedy is in the file or not. This allows access to vibrations of not only Homeopathics, but also many other healing tools such as Herbs, Ayurvedic and Allopathic preparations, Flowers, etc. If a specific vibration you wish to access is not in the file, you can specifically call the name to access its vibration. The EF vial then filters any adverse effects and instills the vibration into your energy field.
Since its inception, the PM file has grown to include many options. Some specific PM file healing energies include:
Homeopathic Remedies, including working with Nosodes and Miasms.
The PM file contains a large database of Remedies, including Provings, with symptoms and disease profiles, Repertories, Constitutional Remedies, etc. This allows you to state the problem (such as “this headache”) and let the body discern what is needed. The PM file also allows you to call specific Homeopathic energies (such as “Arsenicum album”) to access their vibrations.
Psoric Miasm (Hahnemann)
Theme: Psora according to Sankaran is struggle against an external problem but with a feeling of optimism. Paradoxically, since many of the remedies and characteristics of psora have been differentiated into other Miasms, few remedies are left in this category.
Sycotic Miasm (Gonorrheal Miasm) (Hahnemann)
Theme: The patient is often riddled with guilt and insecurity. Inferiority complex is a common finding in this Miasm. The physical conditions often center around the urinary or genital tract. Also common is asthma, tumors and neoplasms, eczema, genital herpes.
Syphilitic Miasm (Hahnemann)
Theme: The patient reacts to his illness or his perceived life situations as though under a death sentence. He is prone to feelings of violence and revenge. Suicide or homicidal feelings are common. Destructive addictions often result. Physical conditions include advanced cardiac conditions, aortic disease, aneurysm, alcoholism.
Tubercular Miasm (Vithoulkas)
Theme: The feeling of the Miasm relates to the ever encroaching and eventually fatally suffocating infection. The patient rebels, struggles, longs for freedom from his condition. He hurries to live his life even as he intuits that it is burning away from him. He feels the walls closing in upon him. His loved ones cannot be trusted. He suffers from respiratory conditions, persecution complex, deformative arthritis.
Acute/Rabies Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: The patient feels as if he were reacting to a sudden, unexpected, life-threatening situation (illness, attack, accident, etc). The patient is in an almost “primitive” state usually accompanied by great fear and child-like reaction. There is no compensatory mechanism except fight or flight. He seeks reassurance and protection. Often mania states require remedies from the acute or Typhoid Miasm. Severe phobia disorders also frequently fit within this Miasm.
Typhoid Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: The patient feels himself to be in an urgent, life-threatening situation requiring his full capacity to survive. The patient is willing to use any means to return to a secure position: Violence, scheming, flight, lying, etc. Willful children who demand their desires so strongly that parents cave in often require remedies from this group. The patient’s goal is to conserve every resource to combat the threat. Thus materialism and business struggles are a strong component. The feeling is, “If I can just get through this crisis, I have it made and I can rest.” He seeks rest and a secure position.
Malarial Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: For chronic conditions, the remedies of the malarial Miasm feel they are facing recurring attacks from life – they feel stuck in a situation where nothing goes right and he is never truly well. He can do little more than complain or act out. Patients in this Miasm often feel miserable and make those around them miserable from their negative outlook. The patient especially suffers with intermittent fevers, recurring hemorrhoids, recurring or allergic asthma, migraines, neuralgia, rheumatism.
Ringworm Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: Struggle against an external object but alternately feeling optimism or pessimism. The patient often repeatedly uses the word, “trying.” The feeling is that he must try and try and yet he never quite gets there though never quite gives up.
Cancer Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: The patient who needs a remedy from this Miasm feels he must carry out his life perfectly – one failure of duty, one lapse in cleanliness, one cheat of the proper diet and all will be lost. Perfectionism and the need for control with the feeling of being strained to one’s very limit are the normal presentation. Physically the Cancer Miasm is often found in patients with a history of cancer but many other physical ailments can be produced. Anorexia nervosa is often treated by remedies of this Miasm. Tumors of any sort, neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis are often found in this Miasm.
Leprosy Miasm (Sankaran)
Lepers have suffered enormously through history. The condition is slowly progressive and eventually leads to death. However, even more disturbing to the patient is the reaction of those around him. He is reviled by his friends and community. Where they looked at him with affection they now feel loathing. This results in a desperate state of self-disgust and self-hatred. He feels contempt with his condition and towards himself or others. He desires to tear, mutilate or bite himself. He suffers from suicidal thoughts or impulses, depression, morbid obesity.
For example, to work with Homeopathic Miasms/Nosodes through the PM file, say:
"Passive Modifications – Psoric Miasm" (request for appropriate Homeopathic(s) for Psoric Miasm)
"Passive Modifications – Ringworm Nosode" (request for the Ringworm Nosode)
Many gemstones have healing properties. The PM file can be used to put gemstone healing vibrations into the body’s energy field.
For example, to use Gemstone Healing through the PM file, say:
"Passive Modifications – Ruby Rose" (specific request for Gemstone Ruby Rose healing properties)
"Passive Modifications – Gemstone - Diamond" (specific request for Gemstone Diamond healing properties)
(Note: Saying "Gemstone" with the specific Gemstone name is optional.)
Following is a list of many of the Gemstone vibrations currently in the PM file (click on Gemstone name to read about its healing properties):
Sanjeevini signifies eternal health at the physical level and symbolizes the Eternal Knowledge of Liberation (Immortality) at the spiritual level.
Sanathana is a Sanskrit word meaning "valid for all time" or "timeless." There is present within each one of us that Sanathana Energy which is the cause of all cures. This Energy, this Shakthi is lying dormant within each one of us. Only when this Shakthi is awakened, can true healing take place. For this, more than anything else, the mind of man has to revert to its pristine purity. This can only be achieved if we live by "Sanathana" values, i.e., Compassion, Love, Tolerance, Forbearance, Self-sacrifice, Faith, Non-Violence, Righteousness, Truth and above all Contentment.
Sai means "Divine Mother"- that Shakthi, that Cosmic Power, that God Power, which is the Knower of All, the Moving Force behind All, and the Doer of All in this Creation.
The Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini Healing Fragrances are therefore focused prayers to the Divine Mother, in total surrender, to awaken the timeless healing force within each one of us.
Currently there are 60 Body Parts Sanjeevini Healing Cards and 196 Disease Sanjeevini Healing Cards available through the PM file. The 60 basic Sanjeevini Healing Combinations, as well as some additional expanded Sanjeevini Healing Combinations are also available through the PM file.
You can read more about Sanjeevini Healing at: https://www.saisanjeevini.org/welcome.htm
For example, to use Sanjeevini Healing through the PM file, say:
"Passive Modifications – Sanjeevini - hiccups"(specific request for hiccups Sanjeevini healing combination)
"Passive Modifications – Sanjeevini - diabetes"(specifical request for diabetes Sanjeevini healing combination)
The Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file allows you to run any of the numbers you wish through it by either calling the number with it:
Passive Modifications - (healing number/frequency)
Note: If using Rife frequencies, you may wish to say/write Hertz (Hz) after the number.
Or by calling the issue you want addressed with the healing number, without necessarily remembering the healing number:
Passive Modifications - Healing number for __________ (insert issue to be addressed)
PDFs with some Number Codes and Rife Frequencies are available at:
Quick Code List
Restoration of the Human Organism: Concentration on Numbers
If you are familiar with a technique that is not specifically in the PM file, it can still be run through PM. This opens up many interesting possibilities.
Techniques you have learned to work with and/or which are freely available can be run with the PM file. You must have a working knowledge of other techniques for them to work effectively with the PM file.
A number of EF vial owners have actually done just that (run Quantum K with PM file) with great results. One advantage to using the Emotional Freedom vial PM file with other techniques is that it filters out anything that may be problematic and enhances the positive effects.
For example, to use the PM file with specific techniques, say:
"Passive Modifications" "Quantum K" "diabetes" (specifically requesting diabetes Quantum K healing)
"Passive Modifications" "My Own File Animal Wisdom - Fox"(specifically calling the wisdom of the “fox” from a file you have created called “Animal Wisdom”)
You can call out as many different things with Passive Modifications as you would like and it still counts as a single file (you can do up to 4 files at once). The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing" with 2 (two) different topics. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.
Click here for Numbers and Frequencies Frequently Asked Questions
Subscribe to Blue Iris Learning Center for access to Switchwords and Healing Numbers and Frequencies Databases
Numbers have frequencies, just like musical notes do. Numbers, in certain combinations, have frequencies that can help heal the body. Just as listening to certain music makes you feel good, numbers have similar abilities. You may not be able hear the vibration of the numbers, but you might be able to feel it!
Though numbers can be called by individual digits (1-9-9-9-9-9-9), they may be more effective if said in proper form (one million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred ninety-nine).
Numbers are quite powerful. You can write them on your skin (or a label you apply to your skin), wear them on a bracelet (you can create one with number beads), write them on a photo of yourself, say them, chant them, INTEND them, tap them through EFT, run them with the Emotional Freedom vial (Passive Modifications file), ADD them to Reiki Spheres or an Energy Circle, PUT them under your pillow or mattress, and probably a myriad of other ways.
There are many different types of Healing Numbers, from many different authors. Often we are given a specific way to work with specific types of Healing Numbers. However, as all healing originates from the same Source, we have found that different techniques can be shared across Healing Number types. This means you can CHOOSE to use the numbers as you wish, regardless of the Healing Number type.
A few different types of Healing Numbers and ways of using suggested by their authors, and additional thoughts:
Blue Iris Numbers:
Blue Iris Numbers are numbers that have come to US through me, and often friends and associates of Blue Iris Learning Center. These are unique numbers helping US heal, ALIGN our energies and grow as we travel through our life joyneys. Blue Iris Numbers can BE used by writing (including ON the body, left side or near body part being addressed), saying, or putting inside Energy Circles (when used inside an Energy Circle, Mudra Blue Iris Numbers always belong in the CENTER space).
Blue Iris Numbers are only available through Blue Iris Learning Center subscriptions.
A few types of Blue Iris Numbers include numbers for:
Opening and closing Gates as appropriate:
Gate - a means of access or entrance; a path; a habitual manner or way of acting
One example of Gates addressed WITH Blue Iris Numbers is:
Gates of Chaos, Close
When the Gates of Chaos are open to consciousness, negative energies, such as cursing, anger, resentment, condemnation, etc., are allowed into the consciousness and have a negative effect on body and environment. Curse words affect our response to cancer and other illnesses, as well as how long we live.
Mudras are positions of the body that have influence on our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphins, change the mood and increase our vitality. Mudras not only contribute to one’s overall good health but can be used as a preventive measure as well.
Mostly the hands and fingers are held in specific positions, but other body parts and/or the whole body may be part of the Mudra as well.
Though most Mudras can be formed with one hand, using both hands simultaneously has a more powerful effect.
A Mudra Blue Iris Number carries the energy of the Mudra performed with both hands simultaneously for the optimal period of time for the intended application. Generally, most Mudras are performed for a minimum of 15 minutes apiece.
Holy Water (from sites AROUND the world)
One example of a Holy Water Blue Iris Number:
Montezuma Well (sacred/holy water) (near Sedona, Arizona)Created as an accident of nature 11,000 years ago, Montezuma Well is a large sinkhole with a continuous flow of water seeping up through vents in the limestone.
Over 1.5 million gallons flow out of the well daily. It's the water and the constant flow that define the sacredness of this place. Hopi and Zuni consider Montezuma Well as most sacred and used it as a birthing place for generations. Some people come to the well for healing and swear by the medicinal properties to be found by simply breathing the air.
The actual source of the upward flow of water remains undiscovered. The Hopi have a saying, "The well is a gift from Mother Earth. So why do you care where it comes from?"
Blue Iris Number
Number intuited by Rhoda, defined by Kat Miller
Note from Kat: Generally one would use one Holy Water number at a time, though occasionally two or three may be used.
Success Stories: After a few days of being too stressed, wrote this Number on Body and had a great sleep.
Radionic Rates, Rife Frequencies, Homeopathic Vibration Rates and other types of frequencies:
A simplified view is that all of these numbers and frequencies either HELP ALIGN WITH the positive energies they represent, or remove the negative energies.
We have found that writing the numbers, putting them inside Energy Circles or writing them ON the body can effectively access the energies they represent, even without using Radionics, Rife or Homeopathic Remedy Making Machines, etc.
Angel Numbers:
Although the original concept of Angel Numbers as a communication coming from your Angels and Spirit Guides came to US through Joanne Walmsley - Sacred Scribes - http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/p/index-numbers.html - and at her website she lists a guide to repeating number sequences, their messages and meanings, we have found that Angel Numbers can also BE used as a way to communicate requests to Angels and Spiritual Guides. Presentations of Angel Numbers at Blue Iris are specifically given in terms of requests, rather than messages being received.
Sacred Codes:
Agesta, who channeled the Sacred Code, states: The code must be repeated 45 times every time, because this is a manifestation number and when using them do it with conscience, faith and heart. Then can be said as one digit (i.e. 10243 ten thousand two hundred and forty-three), one by one (one, zero, two, four, three); in pairs or as you which by heart. They can be repeated during the day as many times you wish; there are no rules for it. The number of days to do it is up to you, they are usually made until what we are asking for comes to manifestation, there are other codes such as connection to the Earth, etc. that it would be wonderful to repeat them always.
Sacred Codes can BE found available FOR free at many sites AROUND the internet. You can Google them to FIND a site that is easy FOR you to work WITH.
Note from Kat: We have seen Sacred Codes work very well when utilized following any of the techniques listed above (chanting, intending, Energy Circles, writing, etc.). A channel brings things through their own filters, which often include experiences they have had and things they have been taught, which may include extra rules.
Divine Healing Codes:
All of the above-listed techniques have been successfully utilized with Divine Healing Codes.
Search FOR "reikidoc" to FIND a FULL list of Divine Healing Codes:
Suggested uses given at the website are:
Write it on the part of the body, or on a sticker and stick it on the body anywhere in the aura.
Write it in the air over the part of the body.
Pull up anything that has the numbers on it online, on your phone or tablet, make the number big on the screen, and hold it over the body part or food item you wish to apply the code with the intent to use it.
A PDF listing codes:
Lloyd Mear:
Lloyd Mear has dowsed numbers to identify, balance and heal. He recommends you either know how to muscle test, dowse, or use a pendulum and use of one of these techniques determine what frequencies you may be missing or frequencies that may be distorted. (You can still use the manual if you don't know these techniques by simply following the protocol of repeating the numbers 7 times 2-3 three times a day for 14 days, although results will vary because you are not determining whether or not you have the frequency already.)
We highly recommend Energy Balancing by Numbers to anyone wanting to LEARN and use Lloyd's numbers. It is available at: http://www.balancingbynumbers.com/
Grigori Grabovoi:
Grigori Grabovoi is known for developing a system of healing numbers, also known as Grabovoi Codes. The codes are specific number sequences that are used to manifest desired outcomes, such as healing, wealth, or love. Each code corresponds to a specific intention or desire, and the user recites the code to focus their intention and attract the desired outcome. The system is based on the belief that the codes can help to open up a universal energy field, allowing the user to focus on what they desire and bring it into reality.
Grigori Grabovoi recommends meditating ON numbers he provides for healing. He has written a number of healing books including one freely available ON the internet - Restoration of the Human Organism: Concentration on Numbers.
Any additional Grigori Grabovoi numbers one may FIND in the Database are either from this book, or found freely available ON the internet.
Quantum K Harmonics:
Quantum K Harmonics is a concept developed by Andrew Kemp which utilizes Harmonic Sequencies FOR healing. A detailed description and manuals WITH the whole of Quantum K are available FOR free at: http://quantumk.co.uk/
Birth Date Numbers:
Birth Date Numbers may be useful in centering a broadcast from an Energy Circle on a specific person. Besides using the person's name from birth, the Birth Date Number adds individuality to the broadncast.
A Birth Date Number starts with the 4-digit year, then, depending on where in the world you were born, the month, then date (if your area of the world generally lists the month first when giving a date, such as December 3), or date and then month (if your area of the world generally lists the date first, such as 03 December).
For example, if you were born in the United States on December 3, 1987, your Birth Date Number would be 19,871,203.
If you were born on the same date in India, your Birth Date Number would be 19,870,312.
If the month or the date number is a single digit, add a padding 0 for the second digit (January would be 01, February would be 02...sixth day of the month 06...).
The Birth Date Numbers align with where you were born, not necessarily where you live now. Even if you were adopted from another country as a newborn, you use the number sequence for the area of your birth.
The reason it is a Birth Date Number is because it connects to one's roots. The Birth Date Number isn't revised when one changes citizenship or residency. It remains the same throughout one's life, beginning at birth. Thus the Birth Date Number FOR an American citizen born in India would always BE in the India format.
Note: When one is unsure of the date of birth, but has a day that is used for celebration - use the tilde ( ~ ) on both sides of the birth date number to show it is an estimated/approximate date - something like this:
~ 19,460,202 ~
The above number would be for someone with an unsure birth date, generally celebrated as February 2, 1946.
Adopted Child Date Numbers:
Just as the date of a wedding is the date of a major life CHANGE, so is the date of adoption, in the life of an adopted child. It may BE a good Idea to also include that date, in the same format as the DOB. The date the adoption was finalized would BE the date to use (if available). If it is not available, and the date the child first came to you is known, then I would use it. If neither is available, then using the tilde ( ~ ) before and after a generic date number created from whatever information you have available.
If only the year is known:
~ YY,YY0,000 ~
If the year and month are known, and not the day of the month, in India (or anywhere that uses the date format where day of month is listed first, followed by month:
~ YY,YY0,0MM ~
If the adopted child was born in the USA:
~ YY,YYM,M00 ~
The date format used in the part of the world where the adoption took place would BE the format used. Therefore, if a child was born in India, and adopted in the USA. If the USA is where the adoption was finalized, it would use YY,YYM,MDD format.
Wedding Date Number:
A Wedding Date Number is created the same way as a Birth Date Number, utilizing the date and place the wedding took place to formulate the number, and addresses the relationship BETWEEN the married couple. A Wedding Date Number may also be helpful in working with fertility issues.
Death Date Number:
A Death Date Number is created the same way as a Birth Date Number, WITH an asterisk (*) ON each side of the Date Number:
* ##,###,### * (asterisks on each side of a Death Date Number)
Think of the asterisk as a Cosmic Connector - a portal in the Universe. The asterisk resembles a star, and may be considered a symbol of celestial beauty, something significant. An asterisk can also evoke a sense of the person's life still shining like a star after their passing. It suggests a continuity of existence, where the essence of a person continues to influence the Universe in some form, offering a comforting and expansive view of human existence, where life, memory, and the essence of individuals are seen as perpetually part of the cosmic narrative, shining on in the vastness of the Universe.
When unsure of the date format for a specific country, I generally look it up in this article:
Another way of working with Healing Numbers and Frequencies is to place them in a Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle:
Insert Target (name of person for broadcast) into the Energy Circle along with the Healing Numbers and Frequencies.
Healing Numbers and Frequencies can be used in conjunction with Switchwords and Defusing Words, as well as on their own.
The numbers can be said, chanted, focused on, written on the body or in an Energy Circle.
Though reading out the numbers as individual digits can be effective, it has been shown to be more effective if the numbers are stated in their proper form:
10,000 Hz (for acute pain) is preferred to be said as "ten thousand hertz"
1,999,999 (for sore throat) is preferred to be said as "one million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred ninety-nine"
5189912 (for runny nose) is preferred to be said as "5 million, 189 thousand, 912"
71042 (for harmonization with the present) is preferred to be said as "71 thousand, 42"
Several months back...
I had a sore throat, I used 1-9-9-9-9-9-9. It helped alleviate. It seemed to come back later in the day. I repeated. Over the course of several days it took repeating 1-9-9-9-9-9-9 several times during the day to help stop the pain, but it came back by morning each morning and at times throughout the day. It seems like I fought it for 2 weeks, using 1-9-9-9-9-9-9 several times a day.
Last week...
I awoke with a very sore throat one morning. Instead of using 1-9-9-9-9-9-9 I used one-million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred ninety-nine (or one-million, 999 thousand, 999). The sore throat disappeared that morning, returned the next two mornings, to which I repeated the long version of the number, and it disappeared again until the next morning. On the third day it did not return at all.
In the concentration on getting the number right, you forget your focus on what the number is for...exactly what you want.
The Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial allows you to run any of the numbers you wish through it by either calling the number with it:
Passive Modifications - (healing number/frequency)
Note: If using Rife frequencies, you may wish to say/write Hertz (Hz) after the number.
Or by calling the issue you want addressed with the healing number, without necessarily remembering the healing number:
Passive Modifications - Healing number for __________ (insert issue to be addressed)
Click here to learn more about the Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file.
PDFs with some Number Codes and Rife Frequencies are available at:
Quick Code List
Restoration of the Human Organism: Concentration on Numbers