Passive Modifications Additional Information

These pages contain additional information specific to the Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial. Learn more about the Emotional Freedom vial at:

Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing

This file works with the Law of Similars and Miasm. The Law of Similars states that like things produce like things, or that an effect resembles its cause. Miasm is derangement of the vital force of the body. This file takes the vibration of the issue needing resolution, puts it into your energy field, awakening awareness of the problem in your body and allowing your body to heal itself.

Call this file, then state the problem(s) to be attended. If another Emotional Freedom file(s) is appropriate for the problem(s), Passive Modifications may access it on its own. (For example, you may not know that your rash might be caused by an emotional issue such as irritation, but your body knows, and Passive Modifications will run any files, such as Frustration, Pessimism, Irritation and Impatience, as needed.)

Other files can also be specifically put into this file.

A one topic example, say:
"Passive Modifications" "this headache" (a specific symptom, not a file name) (note the use “this” instead of “my” to help distance you from the symptom or disease)

A multiple topic example, say:
"Passive Modifications" "Bladder, Kidney & Urinary Issues"
"Passive Modifications" "this family relationship" (a specific situation, not a file name)
"Passive Modifications" "Allergies" "almonds" (a file name with a specific target)
"Passive Modifications" "money" (a specific thing, not a file name)

"Passive Modifications" "Poisons and Toxins"
"Passive Modifications" "Fear & Phobias"

For insomnia, you could say:
"Passive Modifications" "insomnia" (a specific situation, not a file name)

Or you could call the energy vibration of specific things that may be useful for insomnia:
"Passive Modifications" "chamomile" (an herb which can often be helpful for sleep)
"Passive Modifications" "hops" (an herb)
"Passive Modifications" "B6" (a vitamin that often can be helpful for sleep)
"Passive Modifications" "calcium" (a mineral)

The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing" with 12 (twelve) different topics. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.


The Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file of the EF (Emotional Freedom) vial takes Homeopathic Remedies to a whole new level. With the PM (Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing) file there is no need to know the specific Homeopathic Remedy or Remedies required. Instead just state the problem. Passive Modifications then finds an appropriate Remedy or technique and puts it into the body's energy field. The Emotional Freedom vial also has fail safes in it to help protect you from unneeded and unnecessary parts, making it a safer way to work with Remedies and healing techniques.

The PM file also allows specific Remedies to be called with it, whether the vibration of that remedy is in the file or not. This allows access to vibrations of not only Homeopathics, but also many other healing tools such as Herbs, Ayurvedic and Allopathic preparations, Flowers, etc. If a specific vibration you wish to access is not in the file, you can specifically call the name to access its vibration. The EF vial then filters any adverse effects and instills the vibration into your energy field.

Since its inception, the PM file has grown to include many options. Some specific PM file healing energies include:

Homeopathic Remedies, including working with Nosodes and Miasms.

The PM file contains a large database of Remedies, including Provings, with symptoms and disease profiles, Repertories, Constitutional Remedies, etc. This allows you to state the problem (such as “this headache”) and let the body discern what is needed. The PM file also allows you to call specific Homeopathic energies (such as “Arsenicum album”) to access their vibrations.


Psoric Miasm (Hahnemann)
Theme: Psora according to Sankaran is struggle against an external problem but with a feeling of optimism. Paradoxically, since many of the remedies and characteristics of psora have been differentiated into other Miasms, few remedies are left in this category.

Sycotic Miasm (Gonorrheal Miasm) (Hahnemann)
Theme: The patient is often riddled with guilt and insecurity. Inferiority complex is a common finding in this Miasm. The physical conditions often center around the urinary or genital tract. Also common is asthma, tumors and neoplasms, eczema, genital herpes.

Syphilitic Miasm (Hahnemann)
Theme: The patient reacts to his illness or his perceived life situations as though under a death sentence. He is prone to feelings of violence and revenge. Suicide or homicidal feelings are common. Destructive addictions often result. Physical conditions include advanced cardiac conditions, aortic disease, aneurysm, alcoholism.

Tubercular Miasm (Vithoulkas)
Theme: The feeling of the Miasm relates to the ever encroaching and eventually fatally suffocating infection. The patient rebels, struggles, longs for freedom from his condition. He hurries to live his life even as he intuits that it is burning away from him. He feels the walls closing in upon him. His loved ones cannot be trusted. He suffers from respiratory conditions, persecution complex, deformative arthritis.

Acute/Rabies Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: The patient feels as if he were reacting to a sudden, unexpected, life-threatening situation (illness, attack, accident, etc). The patient is in an almost “primitive” state usually accompanied by great fear and child-like reaction. There is no compensatory mechanism except fight or flight. He seeks reassurance and protection. Often mania states require remedies from the acute or Typhoid Miasm. Severe phobia disorders also frequently fit within this Miasm.

Typhoid Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: The patient feels himself to be in an urgent, life-threatening situation requiring his full capacity to survive. The patient is willing to use any means to return to a secure position: Violence, scheming, flight, lying, etc. Willful children who demand their desires so strongly that parents cave in often require remedies from this group. The patient’s goal is to conserve every resource to combat the threat. Thus materialism and business struggles are a strong component. The feeling is, “If I can just get through this crisis, I have it made and I can rest.” He seeks rest and a secure position.

Malarial Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: For chronic conditions, the remedies of the malarial Miasm feel they are facing recurring attacks from life – they feel stuck in a situation where nothing goes right and he is never truly well. He can do little more than complain or act out. Patients in this Miasm often feel miserable and make those around them miserable from their negative outlook. The patient especially suffers with intermittent fevers, recurring hemorrhoids, recurring or allergic asthma, migraines, neuralgia, rheumatism.

Ringworm Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: Struggle against an external object but alternately feeling optimism or pessimism. The patient often repeatedly uses the word, “trying.” The feeling is that he must try and try and yet he never quite gets there though never quite gives up.

Cancer Miasm (Sankaran)
Theme: The patient who needs a remedy from this Miasm feels he must carry out his life perfectly – one failure of duty, one lapse in cleanliness, one cheat of the proper diet and all will be lost. Perfectionism and the need for control with the feeling of being strained to one’s very limit are the normal presentation. Physically the Cancer Miasm is often found in patients with a history of cancer but many other physical ailments can be produced. Anorexia nervosa is often treated by remedies of this Miasm. Tumors of any sort, neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis are often found in this Miasm.

Leprosy Miasm (Sankaran)
Lepers have suffered enormously through history. The condition is slowly progressive and eventually leads to death. However, even more disturbing to the patient is the reaction of those around him. He is reviled by his friends and community. Where they looked at him with affection they now feel loathing. This results in a desperate state of self-disgust and self-hatred. He feels contempt with his condition and towards himself or others. He desires to tear, mutilate or bite himself. He suffers from suicidal thoughts or impulses, depression, morbid obesity.

For example, to work with Homeopathic Miasms/Nosodes through the PM file, say:
"Passive Modifications – Psoric Miasm" (request for appropriate Homeopathic(s) for Psoric Miasm)
"Passive Modifications – Ringworm Nosode" (request for the Ringworm Nosode)

Gemstone Energy Healing

Many gemstones have healing properties. The PM file can be used to put gemstone healing vibrations into the body’s energy field.

For example, to use Gemstone Healing through the PM file, say:
"Passive Modifications – Ruby Rose" (specific request for Gemstone Ruby Rose healing properties)
"Passive Modifications – Gemstone - Diamond" (specific request for Gemstone Diamond healing properties)
(Note: Saying "Gemstone" with the specific Gemstone name is optional.)

Following is a list of many of the Gemstone vibrations currently in the PM file (click on Gemstone name to read about its healing properties):

Black Obsidian
Black Onyx
Black Opal
Blue Aventurine
Cape Amethyst
Fresh Water Pearl
Frosted Quartz
Green Aventurine
Green Fluorite
Green Tourmaline
Grey Moonstone
Lapis Lazuli
Leopardskin Jasper
Mahogany Obsidian
Mexican Onyx
Moss Agate
Mother of Pearl
Orange Moonstone
Pink Tourmaline
Poppy Jasper
Purple Rainbow Fluorite
Rose Quartz
Ruby Rose
Tree Agate
White Moonstone

Sanjeevini Healing Energies

Sanjeevini signifies eternal health at the physical level and symbolizes the Eternal Knowledge of Liberation (Immortality) at the spiritual level.

Sanathana is a Sanskrit word meaning "valid for all time" or "timeless." There is present within each one of us that Sanathana Energy which is the cause of all cures. This Energy, this Shakthi is lying dormant within each one of us. Only when this Shakthi is awakened, can true healing take place. For this, more than anything else, the mind of man has to revert to its pristine purity. This can only be achieved if we live by "Sanathana" values, i.e., Compassion, Love, Tolerance, Forbearance, Self-sacrifice, Faith, Non-Violence, Righteousness, Truth and above all Contentment.

Sai means "Divine Mother"- that Shakthi, that Cosmic Power, that God Power, which is the Knower of All, the Moving Force behind All, and the Doer of All in this Creation.

The Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini Healing Fragrances are therefore focused prayers to the Divine Mother, in total surrender, to awaken the timeless healing force within each one of us.

Currently there are 60 Body Parts Sanjeevini Healing Cards and 196 Disease Sanjeevini Healing Cards available through the PM file. The 60 basic Sanjeevini Healing Combinations, as well as some additional expanded Sanjeevini Healing Combinations are also available through the PM file.

You can read more about Sanjeevini Healing at:

For example, to use Sanjeevini Healing through the PM file, say:
"Passive Modifications – Sanjeevini - hiccups"(specific request for hiccups Sanjeevini healing combination)
"Passive Modifications – Sanjeevini - diabetes"(specifical request for diabetes Sanjeevini healing combination)

Number Codes and Frequencies

The Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file allows you to run any of the numbers you wish through it by either calling the number with it:

Passive Modifications - (healing number/frequency)
Note: If using Rife frequencies, you may wish to say/write Hertz (Hz) after the number.

Or by calling the issue you want addressed with the healing number, without necessarily remembering the healing number:

Passive Modifications - Healing number for __________ (insert issue to be addressed)

PDFs with some Number Codes and Rife Frequencies are available at:

Quick Code List

Restoration of the Human Organism: Concentration on Numbers

Other Healing Techniques

If you are familiar with a technique that is not specifically in the PM file, it can still be run through PM. This opens up many interesting possibilities.

Techniques you have learned to work with and/or which are freely available can be run with the PM file. You must have a working knowledge of other techniques for them to work effectively with the PM file.

A number of EF vial owners have actually done just that (run Quantum K with PM file) with great results. One advantage to using the Emotional Freedom vial PM file with other techniques is that it filters out anything that may be problematic and enhances the positive effects.

For example, to use the PM file with specific techniques, say:
"Passive Modifications" "Quantum K" "diabetes" (specifically requesting diabetes Quantum K healing)
"Passive Modifications" "My Own File Animal Wisdom - Fox"(specifically calling the wisdom of the “fox” from a file you have created called “Animal Wisdom”)

You can call out as many different things with Passive Modifications as you would like and it still counts as a single file (you can do up to 4 files at once). The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing" with 2 (two) different topics. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.


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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.