
The Merciful
ar Rahman

The Compassionate
ar Rahim

The Sovereign
al Malik

The Holy
al Quddus

The Peace
as Salam

The Security
al Mu’min

The Protector
al Muhaymin

The Invincible
al Aziz

The Omnipotent
al Jabbar

The Most Great
al Mutakabbir

The Creator of All
al Khaliq

The Shaper from Nought
al Bari

The Former of the Image
al Musawwir

The Forgiver
al Ghaffar

The Conqueror
al Qahhar

The Bestower
al Wahhab

The Provider
ar Razzaq

The Opener
al Fattah

The All-Knowing
al ‘Alim

The Constrictor
al Qabid

The Expander
al Basit

The Abaser
al Khafid

The Exalter
al Rafi

The Venerator
al Mu’izz

The Debaser
al Mudhill

The All-Hearing
as Sami’

The All-Seeing
al Basir

The Judge
al Hakam

The Just
al ‘Adil

The Subtle Mercy
al Latif

The Omniscient
al Khabir

The Clement
al Halim

The Sublime
al Adhim

The All-Forgiving
al Ghaffur

The Thankful
ash Shakur

The All High
al ‘Aliyy

The Vast
al Kabir

The Preserver
al Hafidh

The Fortifier
al Muqit

The Reckoner
al Hasib

The Exalted
al Jalil

The Generous
al Karim

The Watchful
al Raqib

The Responder
al Mujib

The Wide
al Wasi’

The All-Wise
al Hakim

The Loving
al Wadud

The Glorious
al Majid

The Resurrector
al Ba’ith

The Witness
ash Shahid

The Truth
al Haqq

The Trustee
al Wakil

The Most Strong
al Qawiyy

The Firm
al Matin

The Helping Friend
al Waliyy

The Praiseworthy
al Hamid

The Enumerator
al Muhsi

The Originator
al Mubad

The Restorer
al Mu’id

The Giver of Life
al Muhiy

The Giver of Death
al Mumit

The Living
Al Hayy

The Self-Subsisting
al Qayyum

The Finder
al Wajid

The Glorious
al Majid

The Unique
al Wahid

The Eternal
as Samad

The Decreer
al Qadir

The All-Powerful
al Muqtadir

The Initiator
al Muqaddim

The Concluder
al Muakhhkir

The First
al Awwal

The Last
al Akhir

The Outer
adh Dhahur

The Inner
al Batin

The Ruler
al Waaliyy

The Most High
al Mut’aliy

The Benefactor
al Barr

The Acceptor of Repentance
at Tawwab

The Avenger
al Muntaqim

The Absolver
al Afuww

The Kind
ar Ra’uf

The Possessor of Sovereignty

The Lord of Majesty & Bounty
Dhul Jalali wa-l-Ikram

The Equitable
al Muqsit

The Gatherer
al Jam’i

The Truly Rich
al Ghaniyy

The Enricher
al Mughniy

The Preventer
al Mani’

The Harmer
ad Darr

The Beneficial
an Nafi’

The Light
an Nur

The Guide
al Hadiy

The Originator
al Badi

The Everlasting
al Baqiy

The Inheritor
al Warith

The Spiritual Director
ar Rashid

The Patient
as Sabur

Majesty of Majesty
Jalla Jala-luh

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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