Specific Emotional Freedom File Combinations

Following are some suggested Emotional Freedom files for specific situations.

Instructions: Say a maximum of 4 files; then "run" the vial. Say the "file name" or "keyword."

Clearing Addictions

Specific EF files that may be helpful to call for Clearing Addictions

Allergies, Cancer & Terminal Illnesses
Alcohol and Addictions
Environmental Elements
(Run vial)

Butterfly Effect, Modified Organisms & Fazed Debris
Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas & Spleen
Poisons & Toxins
Side Effects
(Run vial)

Mental Illness, Psychological Problems & Disturbances
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
(Run vial)

Clearing Allergies

Specific EF files that may be helpful to call for Clearing Allergies

Allergies, Cancer & Terminal Illnesses
Alcohol and Addictions
Environmental Elements
(Run vial)

Butterfly Effect, Modified Organisms & Fazed Debris
Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas & Spleen
Poisons & Toxins
Side Effects
(Run vial)



March 21, 2012

It's gotta be the EF files that made it happen!

4 days back I was prompted to call the 8 files linked with Addictions and Allergies.

1. Allergies - Sweets
2. Hypersensitivity - Sweets
3. Side Effects - Sweets
4. Alcohol and Addictions - Sweets

5. Poisons and Toxins - Sweets
6. Environment Elements - Sweets
7. Butterfly Effect - Sweets
8. Liver Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Spleen - Sweets.

After calling these files I am able to keep away from cakes and sweets.Not that I have completely stopped, but I am able to control myself very well.


Call Upon Awakening

Specific EF Files that may be helpful to Call Upon Awakening:

Segment Intending
Joy, Love, Gratitude, Appreciation, Friendship & Peace
Chakra Balancing & Clearing Aura & Energy Meridian Blocks
Increasing Energy Flow
(Run vial)

Chants, Mantras, Meditations & Prayers - Grounding Meditation
(Run vial)

Chants, Mantras, Meditations & Prayers - Shanti Path Mantras
(Run vial)

Chants, Mantras, Meditations & Prayers - Decrees to the Violet Flame
(Run vial)

Instant Manifestation

Files to help with Instant Manifestation:

Presentations, Breaking Barriers & Moving On
Respect, Forgiveness & Releasing Worries
Clearing Negative Energy & Improving Self Image
Fixing Electronics, Inanimate Objects & Things
(run vial)

Family, Friends & Social Situations
Get Things Done, Increase Focus & Life Transformations
Joy, Love, Gratitude, Appreciation, Friendship & Peace
Astrological Imbalances, Karmic Problems & Bad Luck
(run vial)

Acknowledge, Accept, Adjust, Allow & Grow
Abundance, Success, Financial Freedom & Goal Setting
(run vial)

Headaches and Body Aches

Files to help with Headaches and Body Aches:

Sore Throat, Sinusitis, Flu & Infections
Constricted Breathing, Asthma, Cough & Respiratory Issues
Environmental Elements
(run vial)

Butterfly Effect, Modified Organisms & Fazed Debris
Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas & Spleen
Poisons & Toxins
Side Effects
(run vial)

(Run vial)

Holidays, Family Gatherings and Stressful Times

Files to help with Holidays, Family Gatherings and Stressful Times:

Clearing Negative Energy and Improving Self Image
Family, Friends and Social Situations
Holidays, Vacations and Stressful Times
Frustration, Pessimism, Irritation & Impatience
(run vial)

Complementary EF Files

Color-matched files that complement each other when run in the same EF vial session.

Body Balancing

For Body Balancing

Chakra Balancing & Clearing Aura & Energy Meridian Blocks
Increasing Energy Flow

(after running several EF files, running these files can be very beneficial in reestablishing balance within the body)

Unclear Emotions

To help address Unclear Emotions

Negative Emotional Button Deactivation
Transcend Emotions, Psychological Processes, Views & Influences

(these files work hand-in-hand to help clear emotions with unclear origins)


Files that may be of significant help when you are "Stuck" include:

Evolving Variations
Reversals, Pivoting & Focus Transmutation

(Click on file names for more in-depth information on usage)

Earth Energies

Files to help adjust to shifts happening with the Earth Energies:

Acknowledge, Accept, Allow and Grow
ADHD, Dyslexia and Enhanced Learning
Correct Self-Destruct, Suicidal Thoughts and Self-Rejection
Clearing Negative Energy and Improving Self Image
(run vial)

Depression, Anger, Stress and Anxiety
Enhancing Meditation, Relaxation and Enlightenment
Fear and Phobias
Get Things Done, Increase Focus and Life Transformations
(run vial)

Health and Wellness
Inner Light
Negative Emotional Button Deactivation
Positive Vibrations to Troubled Beings and Earth Trauma
(run vial)

Respect, Forgiveness and Releasing Worries
Screaming Baby, Soul Discomfort and Ancestral Attachments
Severing Negative Ties, Cutting Cords and Releasing Me
Taking Responsibility, Reclaiming Own Power and Releasing Blame
(run vial)

Transcend Emotions, Psychological Processes, Views and Influences
(run vial)


Files to help take advantage of the FULL Moon for healing:

Acknowledge, Accept, Allow and Grow
Astrological Imbalances, Karmic Problems & Bad Luck
Butterfly Effect, Modified Organisms & Fazed Debris
Chakra Balancing & Clearing Aura & Energy Meridian Blocks
(run vial)

Dreams, Positive Spiritual Awakening & Creative Source
Enhancing Meditation, Relaxation & Enlightenment
Evolving Variations
Frustration, Pessimism, Irritation & Impatience
(run vial)

Get Things Done, Increase Focus & Life Transformations
Health & Wellness
Increasing Energy Flow
(run vial)

Positive Vibrations to Troubled Beings & Earth Trauma
Presentations, Breaking Barriers & Moving On
Repainting Perspectives, Rewriting My Stories & Being in the NOW
Respect, Forgiveness & Releasing Worries
(run vial)

Reveal the Core, Distinguish the Racket & Unleash Your Power
Screaming Baby, Soul Discomfort & Ancestral Attachments
Severing Negative Ties, Cutting Cords & Releasing Me
Taking Responsibility, Reclaiming Own Power & Releasing Blame
(run vial)

Click here for additional suggested File Combinations

Check out Kat's Channels
on YouTube

Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

Facebook (most active)

A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

Twitter Switchwords Community

Switchwords ON Band

Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.