EF Vial Tips

What is the significance of and reasoning for how this EF vial is run?
By placing the vial on your chest, you are putting it in the center of your body’s energy field. Your left hand receives energy and your right hand sends energy. When you place your left hand over the vial your body begins to "read" the instructions in the vial. Saying the file names, keywords and/or free range statements while you have your left hand (receiving hand) over the vial on your chest allows that information to begin to flow from the vial into your energy field. When you place your right hand (sending hand) over your left hand, close your eyes and begin to take deep breaths, the energy flow in your body begins to increase and because you have your right hand (sending hand) touching your left hand, the flow of energy builds and intensifies the vials effect.

For children (or others, including animals) unable to follow instructions, hold the vial on their chest, say the EF files you wish to use, then keep the vial on or near their chest for at least 30 seconds.

Finish off your sessions with:
I Am…
I Feel…
Inner Child
Inner Light

(Listen to your intuition to decide the order).

There are eight (8) pure positive files:
I Am…
I Feel…
I Love…
Inner Child

Inner Light
Inspiration for Levity, Humor & Lighthearted Fun
Joy, Love, Gratitude, Friendship and Peace
Positive Vibrations to Troubled Beings and Earth Trauma

If you have specific things you want addressed with EF files, please feel free to e-mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that they can be added to the file and others may also benefit. Become part of the creation process - everybody helping everybody else.

Numerous combinations:
Let intuition guide you. You can put any file(s) or file keyword(s) into any other file or keyword. Here is a real life example that a person needed, that was mind blowing, because the relationship was not automatic:

For example you can say:
"Irritation" "Inner Light" which comes from 2 files:

Frustration, Pessimism, Irritation & Impatience
Inner Light

If reversals is an issue and your intuition is eager to do an exercise, try this:

Say "Reversals" then say each file (currently there are 100+ files):

"Reversals" "Abdomen"
"Reversals" "Abundance, Success, Financial Freedom & Goal Setting"
"Reversals" "Accidents Injuries, Aches and Pain"
"Reversals" "Acknowledge, Accept, Adjust, Allow & Grow"
"Reversals" "Acne, Rashes and Skin Problems"
"Reversals" ...

"Reversals" "Reversals, Pivoting & Focus Transmutation"
"Reversals" "Road Rage, Traffic Trauma and Self-Abuse"
"Reversals" …
"Reversals" "Writing on My Walls"

The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Reversals" with 100+ different reversals. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

If release is an issue and your intuition is eager to do an exercise, try this:

Say "Release" then say each file (currently there are 100+ files):

"Release" "Abdomen"
"Release" "Abundance, Success, Financial Freedom & Goal Setting"
"Release" "Accidents Injuries, Aches and Pain"
"Release" "Acknowledge, Accept, Adjust, Allow & Grow"
"Release" "Acne, Rashes, Burns and Skin Problems"
"Release" …
"Release" "Reversals, Pivoting & Focus Transmutation"
"Release" "Road Rage, Traffic Trauma and Self-Abuse"
"Release" …
"Release" "Writing on My Walls"

The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Release" with 100+ different releases. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

If reversals is an issue and your intuition is eager to do an exercise, try this:

Say "Evolving Variations" then say each file (currently there are 100+ files):
"Evolving Variations" "Abdomen"
"Evolving Variations" "Abundance, Success, Financial Freedom & Goal Setting"
"Evolving Variations" "Accidents Injuries and Pain"
"Evolving Variations" "Acknowledge, Accept, Adjust, Allow & Grow"
"Evolving Variations" "Acne, Rashes,Burns and Skin Problems"
"Evolving Variations" …
"Evolving Variations" "Reversals, Pivoting & Focus Transmutation"
"Evolving Variations" "Road Rage, Traffic Trauma and Self-Abuse"
"Evolving Variations" …
"Evolving Variations" "Writing on My Walls"

The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Evolving Variations" with 100+ different evolving variations. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

If your intuition is eager to do a maintenance exercise, try this:

In a single session, run all 100+ files, in groups of 4 files at a time. Say:

"Abundance, Success, Financial Freedom & Goal Setting"
"Accidents, Injuries,Aches and Pain"
"Acknowledge, Accept, Adjust, Allow & Grow"
(Run vial)

"Acne, Rashes, Burns and Skin Problems"
"ADHD, Dyslexia and Enhanced Learning"
"Alcohol & Addiction"
"Allergies, Cancer & Terminal Illnesses"
Run vial)...

When progress seems stalled or nonexistent

Are you microwaving any of your food?
If so STOP NOW! Microwave ovens reverse polarity in each water molecule over a million times a second (which is how a microwave heats food from the inside out), destroying virtually all nutritional value in the food.

Are you drinking enough water?
Water is vital to health and energy work. Increase your water intake (plain water, not with a lemon slice in it, not tea, not soda, just plain water, a quart per 50 pounds of body weight plus a quart every day).

Is diet playing a role?
If you are not eating enough protein and you are eating too many grains and processed carbohydrates (sweets, desserts, pastas, breads), you may be setting yourself up for failure.

Are you getting sunshine?
The sun plays a very important role in preventing depression, resetting serotonin/melatonin cycle for sleep, and helping your body utilize calcium properly. You cannot absorb nutrients from the sun through sunscreen either.

Are you getting enough omega 3?
Omega 3 (found in fish oil, cod liver oil, krill oil, shark liver oil, flaxseed oil, etc.) is very important in helping prevent sunburn from sun exposure, as well as helping absorb nutrients from the sun, including vitamin D, and dietary sources of vitamin D are far inferior to sunlight.

Try putting the problem into the Reversals, Release, and/or Evolving Variations file(s).

Consider possible hidden allergies: If you really love or really hate a food, chances are you are allergic to it, so you may want to run Allergies.

Perhaps toxins, heavy metals or environmental elements are interfering: Consider running Poisons & Toxins & Environmental Elements.

Where and how you feel the issue in your body, and address from that point.

The emotions you have regarding the issue.

Pay attention to thoughts and memories that come up shortly after using the EF vial: They may be important things for running through the vial.

There may be a second issue that needs to be addressed to clear the first.

What is the benefit of keeping the issue?

Is there a blocking belief? Writing on My Walls may be a good file to run.

Deeper issues may be interfering: Consider having a therapist help find the core.

Check out Kat's Channels
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Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.